Page 34 of Sweet Revenge
“Of course. Who else will eat the horrible ones you decorated?”she’d teased.
Now, there he was, biting into another pumpkin-shaped cookie with a grisly frowny face on it. While he freely admitted the cookies he had decorated were nowhere near as pretty as the ones his mate had done, they still tasted pretty damn good.
Autumn glanced over at him. “I actually like the ones you did better,” she admitted, verifying that she’d heard his thoughts. “The scary faces are more fitting for Halloween anyway.”
“I’m still not happy you won’t tell me what you are doing,” he said before shoving the rest of the cookie into his mouth.
She couldn’t help but grin at his petulant tone. She’d never thought her big bad demon mate could be such a baby when it came to not getting his way. It was so damn cute she wanted to throw herself into his arms and kiss him until they were both breathless. But she knew she had to finish what she’d started first.
Autumn knew her mate could have just peeked into her mind to see what she was doing, but he was always careful about giving her privacy. Since they had bonded, she and Kingston spent most of their time with their minds merged, as if they were both afraid to break that connection for even a few minutes.
It was co-dependency at its best or worst, depending on how one looked at it. Either way, she didn’t care. She loved him too much to worry about what anyone else thought of their relationship.
During lunch, someone had pointed out that it was a shame the rest of the employees couldn’t help her figure out who might need her help. So many different people came through the bakery on any given day, and a lot of them tried to overcome the obstacles in their lives with a little sugar rush. That had gotten Autumn thinking. Her friends might not be able to help her, but she’d thought perhaps a magical object could.
She wished Jordan would have stuck around after lunch, but the fairy had made plans with a few of the other staff members that afternoon. Still, Autumn could have used her creativity to finish her project. Glancing up at the big ass hole she’d made in the ceiling, she winced a little. She might have overdone it, but the magical tree was bigger than she’d originally planned. At least, people would be able to reach the tree branches on the second level as well as the first.
Autumn caught herself humming along to the song playing over the speaker system and shook her head. She didn’t know the words, but the melody was catchy as hell. Since she had returned from that brief trip to the Celestial Realm, the only thing that played over the speaker system at the bakery had been a selection of different K-pop artists. Some of the regulars had complimented the change, while others had complained. Since there wasn’t anything they could do about it, the staff at the bakery had just rolled with it.
Who knew that the God of Fate would have turned out to be such a petty dick?
She started to shake her hips to the beat, then laughed when Kingston swept her into his arms. She immediately tilted her face up for a kiss, and he obliged with a light brush of his lips against hers. Since that wasn’t enough for either of them, he kept kissing her until she finally pulled away with a laugh.
“You want to dance, my little goddess?”
“With you? Always,” she answered with a smile. Resting her head against his chest, she wrapped her arms around his waist and let him sway her to the music.
“You going to tell me why you wanted a tree in the middle of the bakery now?”
“This is our Revenge Tree.”
“Okay,” he stressed the word. “And that means?”
“I’m not exactly sure yet,” Autumn admitted. “See those little paper leaves with the silver ribbons? I thought about having people write revenge notes that could be hung on the branches, but that just seemed too mean-spirited for the bakery.”
“You want people to leave notes on the tree?”
Glancing up at him, she nodded. “I was thinking it would be nice if people who needed our help came to us instead of us just wandering around, hoping I’ll bump into someone who needs revenge. If we can somehow use this tree, maybe I can start getting revenge visions from the people who put notes on the branches.”
“That’s a great idea! But I don’t think you should call it the Revenge Tree. Something a little more subtle might work better.” He thought about it for another minute. “How about the Worry Tree?”
“I think people still might hesitate before writing something down. What about calling it The Wellness Tree? That way, we can ask people to write down wishes and worries. Obviously, a lot of that won’t really pertain to what we do, but some of it might trigger a vision.”
“That’s perfect,” he praised, leaning down to kiss her. “I love it.”
“I agree. It’s a good idea,” a voice announced from behind them.
Autumn spun around and gasped when she saw the God of Fate sitting at the table Kingston had just vacated. His long silver hair was gone, replaced with short black stylish locks that suited the famous persona he used in the Human Realm. Once again, he was wearing black leather pants, but this time, he had paired it with an oversized sweater the color of fresh cream with the symbol for anarchy on the front. He selected a cookie from the stack on the plate, then lifted it in a wave.
“Hey, kid,” Keo said with a wide grin. “How has the revenge thing been going for you? Kill anyone yet?”
Chapter Twelve
Autumn didn’t havetime to respond before Kingston shoved her behind him. He was so damn big that it was impossible to see around him, but she did notice the fireball that suddenly appeared in Kingston’s palm. She’d never seen him use his demon powers before, and she was momentarily struck silent but had to recover quickly before he did something they would both regret.
Stepping up so she was standing next to her mate, she hissed, “King, put that thing away. That’s Keo, the God of Fate.”
“I know, but he could have fucking knocked or something before just showing up here,” Kingston growled.