Page 16 of 3013: Obsession
She really did, but she didn’t want to say that out loud. “I guess that depends on how you define stalking.”
He scowled at that. “Not funny, sweetheart.”
“I’m not being flippant. It’s just part of the gig.” She shrugged. “Most of the people who write to me or send me gifts are harmless. A lot of them just want to share that one of my songs touched them or helped them through a difficult time in their lives.”
“I’m not worried about those fans. I’m talking about the ones to claim that you are their soulmate and that you are meant to be together,” he bit out. “The fucking crazy ones.”
She let out a squeak of protest when his arms tightened around her. Stroking his chest to calm him down, she marveled at the hard muscles beneath her palm. He had finally removed the armored jacket right before they had sat down to eat, and now only wore a plain black shirt. She couldn’t wait to see all of him, but unfortunately, that was going to have to wait.
He put a hand over hers to stop her from stroking him. “Keep that up, and I’ll forget about our meal and devour you instead.”
She smiled sweetly at him. “While I would totally be up for that, we’re not going to be alone long enough to indulge in that little fantasy.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, I’m sure my brother and my assistant have probably decided we’ve had enough time alone for now and will be coming to find me.”
“She is correct,”Evo announced through the speaker system embedded in the house.“Not only are they already on their way, Alpha Magnus and Alpha Brielle are with them. So, get ready for company because you are going to have a full house soon.”
Chapter Six
Zenix and Aylachose to greet their uninvited guests out on the back deck. Cuddling up together on the porch swing, they watched as the small group of people made their way down the short dock and up toward the house.
Artem D’Nye and Magnus Artane each carried two huge suitcases, while Ayla’s assistant, Lina, carried a couple of much smaller bags toward the house. Once they were on the deck, the males stacked the suitcases by the door. Without stopping, Lina simply walked straight inside. Zenix did a double take at her impudence, but he relaxed again when Ayla just shrugged and patted his thigh.
“Hi! I’m Brielle Artane,” the cheerful Helios-human hybrid gushed as she hurried over. “I’m a huge fan!”
Ayla started to get up to greet her, but Zenix kept her seated on the swing by wrapping a strong arm around her waist. She shot him a disgruntled look, but he just smiled in response and refused to let go. Giving up, Ayla smiled sweetly at the other female as she vigorously shook her hand.
“Hi, I’m Ayla. After all of the vid calls we’ve had over the last few months, it’s nice to finally meet you in person.”
“Stars, I didn’t mean to shake your hand off. I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
“I’m fine,” Ayla assured her.
“Sit down before you collapse,” Magnus ordered, gently pushing Brielle down onto one of the chairs. When she clung to his hand, he sighed. He plucked her off the chair and took a seat with her on his lap. “Good to see you again, Ayla. Congratulations on finding your keeper. Sorry you got stuck with this guy.”
Ayla grinned. “If I didn’t already know you were good friends, I might take offense.”
Zenix snorted. “I said the same thing to Brielle after she mated with him, so it’s only fair.”
“He did,” Brielle confirmed with a laugh.
Artem didn’t bother to sit down. Instead, he pulled out a small tablet and began reading from it. “You have to be at the arena by noon tomorrow. Since you insisted on a new costume for this show, you have a final fitting with Andre as soon as you arrive to give him time to make any necessary alterations, then we have a brief interview scheduled at one. That will be held in the atrium on the VIP balcony level of the arena.”
“Andre?” Zenix bit out. “Who the fuck is Andre?”
Ayla just patted his thigh again.
“After that, you have the sound check, then you will have to start getting ready,” Artem continued without pause. “The concert begins at six, but you will be closing the show. As agreed upon, you will be doing five songs, but since you are the headliner and the last to perform, you also have the option for more if you decide to do an encore.”
“The band and I have already decided on the potential encore list.”
“I have that recorded here,” Artem confirmed. “After the concert, we have agreed to attend the VIP cruise hosted by some of the game’s sponsors.”
“Thanks for that,” Brielle chimed in.
Ayla sighed. “Right. I forgot about that.”