Page 6 of 3013: Obsession
Zenix scowled. “I don’t blame them. That’s not just alarming, that’s a major breach in security. Someone has her under surveillance, and her private team hasn’t figured out how or who it is?”
Nico shook his head. “Not yet. That’s why this is a problem. Since it keeps happening, they think it’s one of her fans that is part of a core group that follows her to each of her tour stops.”
“People actually do that?”
“Apparently, there are quite a few that do, although Ayla only performs around a dozen times each year, so it’s easy for her more dedicated fans to travel to each show. Most of the regulars have already been checked out, but something could have changed.”
“Perhaps one of them had a psychotic break,” Anissa supposed, sounding a little too hopeful. “Taking down a legit crazy person might be fun.”
Zenix and Nico both shot her some serious side eye before they shared a look of understanding between them. They were not going to touch that comment of hers.
“We want to make sure Ayla has a good time on Evo since we are definitely planning to ask her to come back again,” Nico said, steering the conversation back on track. “So, it’s essential we give her safety top priority. In the past, some of the messages and gifts have gotten through using a well-placed bribe to one of the ancillary staff or crew members at the different venues. At least we know that won’t happen here.”
“It better not,” Zenix warned darkly.
“Heidi’s team is picking Ayla and her people up and escorting them to the arena for her rehearsal tomorrow afternoon around three. I know you’re supposed to take the day off, but I was hoping you could meet them at the arena and escort her and her team back to the island once they are done. Take a look at the messages and see what you think.”
“Can do,” Zenix said with a nod. “I’ll need to meet with her security detail to make sure everything is covered. Send me the threat file.”
Nico smirked. “Already did.”
Finished with her water, Anissa got up and tossed the empty bottle in the recycler. “I’m going to finish patrolling now.”
“You’re on the night shift tomorrow, right?” Zenix asked.
“I am, but I can head over to the rehearsal with you for the briefing.”
“Good. Meet me back here at three.”
Anissa nodded before swiftly disappearing into the shadows.
As Zenix watched her leave, he drank his beer and started formulating a list of things he needed to do in order to deal with the stalker situation. He glanced over at Nico and raised a brow. “What are you still doing here? I figured you would be running back to your mate’s side as soon as we got this matter settled.”
Nico downed some of his own beer, then sighed. “Brielle is working in the command center tonight with Razar. We’re spreading out this week to make sure we have everything handled, so only one of us gets to hang with her at a time.”
“Poor you,” Zenix mocked, earning him a sharp elbow jab to the side. Chuckling, he said, “I just meant after what happened earlier today, I’m surprised you are letting her out of your sight.”
Nico sat up straight. “What happened earlier?”
“A guy tried to hit on Brielle, and I had to stop Magnus from tearing him to pieces.”
“What?” Enraged, Nico surged to his feet. “Why the fuck didn’t he tell me?”
“Probably because of this reaction,” Zenix pointed out blandly. “And you can’t really fault a stranger who doesn’t know she’s mated to you.”
Nico glared at him. “Everyone should know!”
Zenix sighed. Dealing with his friend’s relationship drama was utterly exhausting, but he didn’t bother saying that out loud. “Magnus said the same thing earlier. It doesn’t help that you, Magnus, and Razar are already covered with tattoos, so bonding marks wouldn’t even show if you got them.”
“Our marks are not the issue. It’s her. We need to mark her somehow to show everyone she belongs to us.”
Since Zenix had been friends with Brielle Lee for years before she had mated with Magnus, Razar, and Nico, he knew how much she had hated the star mark she’d once had to wear that had deemed her infertile. Once she had gotten that star removed, he’d thought she’d never get another mark on her body. He had been proven wrong when she’d gotten the nanotech tattoos, but those small symbols on her wrists, ankles, and the back of her neck were very different than whatever crazy shit Nico was currently planning.
“Doesn’t she have your mating mark on the back of her neck?”
“That’s not enough to warn people away from her,” Nico snapped as he began pacing around the deck. “There has to be another way.”
To stop his friend from going down the love-crazed path of doom, Zenix said, “Before you try to tag your mate with ‘Property of’ somewhere on her body, and she kicks your ass for even suggesting it, you should know that Magnus took a different approach. Have you seen him today?”