Page 53 of Tethered Magick
Cracking my fingers, I went back through Lorn’s bag and made a list of things I needed to add while Syler and Kota talked about Mato and Nahele guarding the perimeter for us.
Jolon returned to the room after disappearing to find Dason’s computer bag. “Does she have everything?”
“I’ve got the necessities. Pants, shirts, shorts, underwear, bras, jeans, shoes, and the few dresses she had. I also grabbed her pillow.” Looking at the half empty case, I realized it wasn’t enough.
“I’ve got her favorite foods.” Chayton motioned to the many bags spread out along the countertops. It would tax his magick to carry so many supplies, but having food on hand when the future was so turbulent was vital. “Do you have her toiletries? Makeup? Toothbrush?”
Finding a way to take care of Lorn even though she wasn’t here had given each of us a sense of purpose that we desperately clung to.
“I’ll grab them.” Jolon jogged up the stairs and was back a minute later.
Kota joined us, standing on my other side. “What about that book she was reading?”
“I didn’t see it on the nightstand.”
It’s on the coffee table.Syler grabbed it and tossed it to Kota, who caught it gently, careful not to wreck the pages or the cover. The book went into the bag, nestled on top of her clothing.
“This is what she’s reading?” I quirked an eyebrow, curious about the contents of the book with a dude’s abs plastered across the front.
Kota shrugged. “Apparently it’s got some steamy pages.”
“Really now?” Jolon smirked, eyeing the book with new appreciation. “I might have to take a peek at that and see what our little mate likes.”
Chayton’s mouth tugged up in the corner. He and I had already gotten a taste of what Lorn liked, and I knew we were both thinking the same thing. We couldn’t wait to be alone with her again and reestablish our connections. This time, I wouldn’t hesitate to mate bite her, whether Kota was ready to claim Lorn or not.
“What else do we need?” I questioned, going to the bookshelves and choosing a stack of books Lorn might also like. They all went into the bag.
Syler added a fuzzy blanket to the pile for Lorn, and Chayton grabbed anything chocolate he could find. Kota surprised me by heading to the bathroom and returning with her feminine products she’d need for her cycle, just in case, and Jolon found her birth control.
Jolon asked Kota to pack for Dase, giving him a task to keep him busy so he didn’t linger in his head for too long. Kota needed to stay busy, and like myself, he excelled in a supporting role for the pack. Neither of us wanted to be alpha or beta.
Honestly, I was grateful for Jolon’s quick insight into my twin. The bond was good for the pack, but it was hard to be in each others’ heads while we each dealt with the aftermath of the bloodletting ceremony. Kota was struggling, and if he went too far down that road, he’d end up in the deepest low I’d seen in recent years. I’d been with Kota through some low slumps, but I didn’t know if I’d be able to pull him back from the one I felt brewing.
As much as he pushed Lorn away and tried to deny his feelings for our mate, he was a fucking goner just like the rest of us. Losing her had triggered him, bringing the darkness that liked to drain his soul back to the surface.
Kota had just reemerged when a knock sounded on the door. Syler let Mato and Nahele in, two of the only people outside our pack we trusted.
“We counted thirty-eight.” Mato ran both hands through his black hair.
“Where the fuck are the elders?” Nahele grumbled. “Can’t they do something?”
“The elders aren’t more powerful than any of us,” Chayton commented distractedly, his red magick glowing and sparking around the bags he was storing away to bring with us. “They only hold their positions because of the respect they’ve been afforded by each individual pack.”
I growled. The elders heard disputes among the packs, kept tabs on the shadow touched, and helped oversee the community’s needs, but their magick wasn’t more powerful than ours. They were no better at settling the rioting men outside than we were. Outnumbered and overwhelmed, we had no choice but to abandon ship and get Lorn somewhere she’d be safe. Somewhere off grid.
Maybe Dason was onto something, though why he had to wait hours after hanging up the phone made no fucking sense.
He must have a reason.Syler sat on the couch and sprawled out. The man was so tall he seemed to dwarf the furniture.I’d trust Dason with my life, and therefore, I trust him with my mate. He’s taking care of her, and when he deems it safe, he’ll call back.
Syler was a calm man, not easily riled. I wished I had his patience and steady faith.
One great thing to come out of the new pack bond was the ability to finally converse with Sy without needing sign language or Jolon to interpret. Syler’s relief was palpable. I hadn’t thought about how hard it must be for him. He’d always been the strong silent type, and not just because of his mutism. That was just who he was. But having the ability to communicate easily was a gift I’d taken for granted and a perk I didn’t begrudge Syler.
It was nice to have us all connected. I could admit I didn’t want that to change.
But how the hell were we going to get Dason and Lorn back into the bond?
I magicked away all the items for Lorn while I thought it through.