Page 79 of Tethered Magick
Dase braced his forearm over my head, his phone still dangling in his fingers. “Is that so?” His scent washed over me, and suddenly the smoothie I’d just finished wasn’t feeling as satisfying.
“Mmm,” I hummed in agreement. “Besides, I don’t need a man. Just his computer.” I grinned, and Dason’s brows drew together, confusion marring his expression.
“I knew you just wanted me for material things,” he rumbled playfully.
“You got me. I just needed a sugar daddy or seven.”
“Seven?” Dason cocked his head, studying me intently.
“Uh…” My face heated. “Six. Sorry.”Way to keep a secret.“Can I use your laptop?”
He stared for a moment longer, standing as immobile as a perfectly sculpted statue, then his muscles rippled and he straightened. I immediately missed his warmth and the intense scent that’d been cradling me in its embrace. “You’re welcome to it.” Dason rummaged in one of his dresser drawers and withdrew a pen and paper, scrawling his password on it for me. “It should automatically connect to the internet once you’re in.”
“Thank you.” I took the paper from him, our fingers brushing with the exchange.
I turned to leave when he lifted the phone back to his ear, only glancing back when he spoke again.
“Lorn,” he warned, “I don’t need to tell you no contact with anyone, do I? I know you have a good friend back in North Carolina and that asshole Darbonne.”
“You don’t have to worry, Dase.” I toyed with my necklace, fidgeting under his perusal. “I’m not going to blow our cover.”
He closed his eyes and shook his head. “Sorry. I know. Just… being cautious.”
“Did my bossy alpha just apologize?” I gasped. “Who are you?”
“Not the same man I was a few days ago, apparently.”
“I like the new and improved 2.0 version.” I grinned and slipped away as he barked out a laugh.
For a moment, I turned the volume sensitivity up on my hearing and caught Efram’s voice on the other end of the line.
“You said things were better with that pretty little mate of yours, but you didn’t tell me they werethatgood. Your sexual attraction was coming through the damn phone. If she wants that seventh mate, perhaps I’ll put in my application,” he teased, and Dason growled.
I grinned all the way back to the office, turning my hearing back down to a normal level. Slipping inside, I closed the door and rounded the desk.
“Stars, that’s nice.” I sighed as I sat in Dason’s chair. It was like a cloud for my butt, perfectly supportive and comfortable, the kind of chair that cost money, and while the desk was conjured, this was definitely purchased.
Briefly, I wondered about the pack’s finances. Did we have enough to support this lifestyle? Could I even ask about money? Unlike normal couples, we’d skipped the dating phase and went straight to the engaged part—at least that was the mundane world’s equivalent. As such, I was playing a constant game of catch up as we got to know each other, dated, and fell in love.
Pushing it all away, I cracked open the laptop, ready to get to work.
My fingers flew over the keys as I typed, “Cedar Falls, Nebraska,” into the search bar.
The house was quiet when I walked in the front door. I ran my hands, one after the other, through my hair, only pausing when I noticed Kota sprawled out on the couch. I shook my head, figuring there had to be a reason he hadn’t made it upstairs to use one of the bedrooms. Only a few of them were furnished, but the beds were comfortable and there was enough space if we bunked up at times.
Sy and I had shared that first night while Axel, the lucky bastard, got to cuddle our mate all night. Last night I’d slept alone while Sy was on perimeter patrol with Kota, but I couldn’t wait for the day our schedules all aligned and we got to put our mate between us, though I hoped more than just sleeping would happen when we got the chance.
Her scent was thick in the house, the deep fragrance of her arousal still hanging in the air like the sweetest perfume. I wanted to groan. Keeping my dick in check with its constant state of hardness was becoming a chore.
I debated heading for the shower and taking myself in hand. With the beautiful memory of Lorn coming when we’d blood bonded her to us, and her fresh scent in my nose, I knew it would only take a few brutal tugs before I’d spill down the fucking drain.
That was how revved up my mate made me.
I headed for the kitchen, pouring myself a glass of ice water to try and cool my libido. It sluiced down my throat but did nothing to dampen my ardor.