Page 39 of Rising Darkness
It rushed into me to coat the darkness. The inky mire took time to gather, and while Tye worked, he explained.
“I’m a neutralizer. I can balance the two sides of her magick. But the darkness in her is strong and fighting back.”
“It’s working, though,” Jolon said. “Keep going.”
A phone rang, and it sounded like it was underwater.
“Dammit!” Dason roared. “The Kwoli pack is under attack. We need to hurry.”
“G-Go.” My teeth chattered from how hard I was shaking, but the Kwoli shifters were like family to Dason, and I’d hate myself if I was the reason he didn’t go to their defense.
“It’s the shades,” Dason said. “Chayton, Axel…” Dason’s voice trailed off before he issued orders and he cleared his throat. “Sorry. Habit. Jolon?”
“We need the element of surprise. Let’s split into two groups.”
“My father will be expecting you,” Tye grunted. “I’m sure he’s trying to draw Lorn out. She’s the only one who can uproot his plans. Hit them from as many angles as possible.”
Jolon was silent for a beat. “Four groups of two. Tye, stay with Lorn. She’s safe as long as she’s here.”
Magick filled the room, and it grew quieter as they left.
Come on, sweetness. We’re almost there. Stay with me,Tye urged, and his magick continued searching and gathering up every onyx wisp that crawled through my soul.
Those few minutes felt like hours with my mates' lives hanging in the balance, and when Tye’s magick shifted to white and equalized me, I bolted off the couch and sucked in a deep breath.
Swaying on my feet, I leaned into Tye, who jumped to grab me before I fell.
Easy, your body is adjusting.
We need to go, I begged.I need to help.
Tye wavered, then shook his head. “The guys are going to fucking kill me for this.”
“They haven’t killed you yet. I think you’re safe.”
“That’s a ringing endorsement,” he said with sarcasm while creating a portal and revealing chaos on the other side. Tye kissed me for one harsh, beautiful second. “Be careful. My father’s a sadistic fuck. Watch your back at all times. He’s only attacking to get to you. You’re the end game. If you're dead, no one can stand in his way.”
I nodded. “I promise.”
Shades were everywhere when we stepped through the portal, and the shadow touched had amassed to fight off the demons with the wolves. I recognized several faces from the night of the bloodletting, and I ran my hands on the outsides of my jeans. I didn’t know who was on our side, but knowing that I now had a say over who mated me gave me the courage to step into the fray.
Magick burned hot in my hands as I charged a shade. Jolon and Syler had it distracted, so I leveled a hit at its back, slicing deep. I narrowly escaped the burning blood that spilled to the ground as I circled it and attacked again from the front. Lassoing my magick around the shade, I screamed as I pulled at its ether. It screeched, hissed, and fought as I dragged it from the world back into the veil. The shade crashed through my chest, and I inhaled sharply at the darkness that passed through me.
I’d figured out that I was like a walking gate to the veil, and I used the power to vanquish shade after shade from the mortal realm. But without killing them, without making them turn to piles of ash, Elan could summon them into our world repeatedly.
“Jesus Christ, you’re going to put my magick to good use today, aren’t you, love?” Tye stuck to my side, using his powers to stabilize the balance in me every time a shade passed through.
Blood covered the ground, and wolves’ bodies were scattered throughout the grass, battered and broken. They weren’t equipped to fight shades. Elan had planned a massacre, and I vowed I’d make him pay.
Through the malee, a feminine laugh set my teeth on edge and made the fine hair on the back of my neck stand on end.Avalon.
Do you have this?I asked Kota and Axel as they shifted forms and slashed at a class three shade, taking it down one injury at a time. If they could injure it enough, it would disintegrate, unable to revive in the veil.
We’re fine. Go. But take someone with you!Kota ordered.
Smoke rose from the scalded ground as I walked through the battlefield toward the woman who stood on the other side with a sickening twist of glee on her lips.
Who is that?Tye asked, sensing the disdain dripping off of me.