Page 41 of Rising Darkness
Lorn curled into my side as I held her close. I stood among the death and destruction of the Kwoli pack, holding my mate against my chest and begging for her to wake up. She couldn’t hear me. Until we were mated, she never would. My ruined vocal chords wouldn’t allow me to form the sounds.
Not being able to speak hadn’t bothered me growing up. I had Jolon, and he’d always been able to mind link with me. But now, the need to speak was an ache. I wanted to be able to talk to Lorn, to share things with her I didn’t care to share with anyone else. And right now, I wanted to whisper to her and coax her out of her unconsciousness as she fought her way out of the veil.
Efram ran up to Dason in his wolf form and shifted, jogging to a stop.
“Whoever is responsible for slaying half my pack is going to pay,” he snarled, getting into Dason’s face.
“We’re of the same mind, my friend. I’m so goddamn sorry our fight came to your doors.”
“It’s not just our fight, Dason,” Jolon corrected. “Elan isn’t going to stop at gaining control over the shadow touched.”
Tye ran the back of his fingers lightly over Lorn’s cheek. “He’s right. He plans to start with the witches and then work his way across all the supernatural sects. This isn’t an isolated incident. If we can’t stop him, he’s going to declare war. It won’t matter which race you're from. He will demand you bow to him or he’ll remove you. Permanently.”
“This isn’t just our problem anymore,” Jolon agreed. “And we won’t be able to fight him alone.”
“I want revenge. The wolves will stand with you.” Efram pounded a hand over his chest. “I’ll speak to the High Alpha. He won’t tolerate an attack of this magnitude. This was a fucking slaughter.” Efram gazed helplessly around at the fallen wolves. “I know other packs will join the Kwoli pack as a united force when they hear about what happened here today.”
“I hate to say this, but we need a fucking plan.” Axel spoke up. “Lorn just banished a shit ton of shades. Maybe we need to think about hitting Elan before he can regroup and strike again.”
“Maybe.” Kota propped a hand on his hips and drove the other through his long hair. “But if we bring the fight to him on his turf, we’re going to be at a disadvantage.”
“We’ve lost some of our best fighters, and my pack needs time to grieve. But keep me updated on your plans, and I’ll do everything I can to add strength to your numbers.” Efram reached for Dason and they clasped forearms in parting before Efram left us to tend to his pack.
Wails and sobs rose around us as pack members made their way out of hiding to find their loved ones. Over the next few hours, we helped the wolves identify and bury their dead, each of us taking a turn at holding Lorn while she was passed out.
I let my power flow into the earth again and again, parting the dirt effortlessly and letting the ground swallow the dead. On the top of each grave, I grew vines and blooming flowers in honor of those who’d given their lives.
We were getting ready to take our mate home when a high-pitched wail broke through the group.
“Dason!” Mara cried as familiar faces emerged with her held between them. Mato and Nahele wore matching, harsh expressions as they escorted their prisoner.
“Mara,” Dason growled viciously, and her face paled. “What?” he taunted. “Did you expect a warm welcome after everything you’ve done?” Dason prowled toward her, as predatory as his puma.
“I-I thought you’d understand…”
“I’m glad to see you’re both alive and well,” Dason nodded to our friends. “But why would you bring her here?”
“Same to you.” Mato gave a sharp nod. “But this isn’t a social call. We were holding the shadow touched prisoners, including Mara, in the Kwoli’s holding cells when we were attacked. They’re all fucking gone.”
“My father.” Tye’s fists clenched, and he swore. “He’s bolstering his numbers. Who better to start with than outcast shadow touched?”
I growled, the sound a mere rumble in my chest. It was a good thing Chayton was holding Lorn, or I’d have squeezed her too tightly. The odds were stacked against us, and I didn’t like it. The only thing I wanted in the whole fucking world was to protect my mate, and every move in this fucked up chess match of a war made that goal more difficult.
You’re the alpha. You need to issue a punishment for this bitch and get her out of our sight. I want to take Lorn home and tend to her. She’s been out for too long.I sent the thoughts down the pack link, and Jolon rumbled his agreement.
“Don’t you see,” Mara pleaded. “Lorn is ruining everything. Life was peaceful before she showed up. She’s got you all brainwashed. What we had was real, Dason. Give her to Elan and be done with this. We can have our future back.”
Dason shifted his hands to claws and stalked to Mara, hooking a lethal talon under her chin against weak flesh that would be so easy to gut. “If you ever speak about my mate like that again. I will end you. What we have is less than nothing. I can’t even say your name without cringing. You’re vile and evil, and the only thing I’m sorry about is that I didn’t see it sooner. I was fooled by you. I thought we were friends, but all that’s gone now. I never want to see your face again. Do you understand? And if you ever—and I mean fucking ever—dare to so much as utter my mate’s name, I’ll make sure you never draw another breath.”
Axel slow clapped, and Kota rolled his eyes. “What? We can’t applaud? I think that’s the most I’ve ever heard Dase speak at one time. And it was fucking beautiful. My sentiments exactly.” Axel smirked. “Go to hell,” he spat at Mara.
“What would you like us to do with her?” Nahele questioned, ready to follow orders and be done with his charge. I could see his disgust in his expression. He was loyal to our mate, a friend of our pack, and we didn’t take kindly to betrayals.
“The choice is yours, Dason.” Jolon relented his power to make this decision.
Dason rolled his neck on his shoulders, and I knew it for what it was. An effort to hold back from killing the whimpering girl. I despised what she did, but I wasn’t sure I’d be able to issue a death sentence against a woman. Apparently, Dason felt the same way.