Page 125 of Believe It or Knot: Part Two
“I can’t believe I didn’t realize it sooner,” Eli added. “The signs were all there.”
“Gods, we’re such idiots.” Knox shook his head, then leaned down to give me the gentlest kiss. “You’ve been tired lately, too.”
“And your breasts have been sore,” Leo supplemented sheepishly, remembering when he’d tried to play with them last night and they’d been overly sensitive—and not in a good way.
“Oh my gods, could you say that any louder?” I snickered, sending an apologetic look to the lady in the next booth.
“Probably,” Hades shrugged.
“Do you really want everyone in a five-mile radius to hear about mybreasts?” I challenged quietly, crossing my arms under my chest, which I belatedly realized only drew more attention to the body parts in question.
Hades’ attention immediately dropped, and he mumbled, “No. You’re right. Those are just for us.”
I pressed my lips together to suppress a laugh as he became thoroughly distracted. Bantering with his stubborn ass was one of the many highlights of mated life.
“Fuck…” he rasped. “Your tits are going to gethuge.” He was practically salivating, and I smacked him lightly, already blushing.
“Stop,” I scolded, but secretly, I loved it.
I loved him.
I lovedallof them.
“You’re carrying our baby,” Leo murmured in my ear, still sounding stunned.
Jamison came around the table. Capturing my chin between his thumb and forefinger, he tilted my face to his. “How do you feel about this, Little Omega? Areyouhappy?” he rumbled, swiping a tear I hadn’t even realized had fallen from my cheek with the pad of his thumb.
I gave him a watery smile. “These are happy tears. I promise.”
It hadn’t escaped my notice that Jamison hadn’t voiced his own feelings on the news. I stepped into his body and placed my hands on his chest. His heart beat rapidly.
“I know this is shocking news. None of us planned for this to happen, but it’s always possible when an Omega is in heat, even with birth control. Are you—”
“Demi Leigh,” he scolded lightly. “If you’re about to ask me if I’m upset about this, you can save your breath, Sweetness.” He covered my hand with his own. “You feel that?” His fingers tapped to the rhythm of his heart. “It beats foryou.”
Taking one of my hands, he pressed a kiss to the center of my palm and slowly lowered himself before me.
I gasped at the sight of such a powerful Alpha on his knees.
His hands slid my t-shirt up and splayed over my stomach. Pressing a kiss against the soft slope of my belly, he murmured, “Hi, little bean.” His thumbs stroked over my bare skin. “I’m one of your dads.”
“Holy fuck,” Hades cursed roughly, eyes comically wide before a huge, goofy grin dominated his features. “I’m gonna be adaddy.”
“Yeah, you are,” Leo clamped him on the shoulder. “And you’re probably going to have to get that cursing under control. Little ears, my friend. Little ears.”
“Aw Fu—” Hades winced, eyes darting to me, “—udge.”
Eli chuckled. “You’ve got a while before it becomes a problem. You’ll get there.”
“Dibs on being called ‘Papa!’” Thane raised his hand in the air.
Eli moved to my side, cupped my face, and gave me a heart-wrenchingly sweet kiss. “How could you possibly worry we wouldn’t be happy about this? You’re our entire world, Demi Leigh. We’ve dreamed for years about finding our Omega and filling our home with kids. The day you walked into our lives, you made our hearts whole.”
I knew he was right because I felt exactly the same way. The day they found me, my universe changed for the better. Each one of them completed a part of me I hadn’t even realized was missing. I’d been living half alive until we’d met, and now? Now I couldn’t imagine my life without them.
I loved these men more than painting, more than chocolate, more than air itself. They were a living, breathing part of me I could no longer survive without.
And every single day, these men showed me the same resounding love in return. It echoed through the bonds in my chest, nearly taking me to my knees with the strength and breadth of it. This life was more than I ever could’ve imagined, and I held on to it with a fragile kind of hope, praying nothing would come along and tear it away.