Page 27 of Don't Fall in Love
He doesn’t enter my apartment, which I’m grateful for. I’m not sure I could handle him in my space, behind a closed door whereanythingcould happen. I need to get my mind off of sex with him, before I end up doing just that. It’s already too much for me to spend the next few days with him.
The door shuts as I let go of it and I take the reprieve to drag in some much needed, untainted air. Two rounds of deep breaths in and out, I spring into action and collect my things. I pause at the mirror, smoothing a stray strand of hair back into my ponytail. I dust my finger under my eye to wipe away a speck of mascara and then run my eyes over my outfit.
Why am I checking myself out?It doesn’t matter what I look like, I’m not trying to impress him. With a shake of my head, I turn away from my reflection, resisting the urge to mess up my appearance to prove a point to myself.
With my hand on the doorknob, I suck in one last lungful of Sebastian free air, trying to calm the nerves racing through me at the thought of facing him. When I tug it open, I find him leaning against the wall directly in front of my door, and of course, he looks like a damn model. I hate that he looks so effortless and that I don’t seem to have any effect on him.
He straightens and grabs my suitcase from me. The look he gives me has my protest dying on my lips and my thighs clenching together.How can one look have such a powerful effect?I turn to lock the door before following him down the corridor to the elevator, berating myself for getting all worked up over a look.
Miraculously, the elevator is there waiting when Sebastian presses the button. As he steps in I follow, moving to the corner—as far away from him as possible.
There’s humor in his tone as he turns to face me and says, “You do realize you’re going to have to be in my vicinity for the next few days, right?”
With a heavy sigh, I lift my chin. “Seeing as I love my job, and this is one of the many hoops I’ll have to jump through to get a promotion, I’ll suck it up and be cordial. I’d rather I didn’t have to be in your vicinity ever again though, to be honest. As soon as we get out of this elevator, you’re nothing more to me than a client.”
Perfectly timed, the doors open on a ding and I brush past Sebastian. Our hands touch and a current of electricity passes through my fingers. An involuntary gasp slips through my lips and has me turning away from him so he can’t see the way a simple brushing of our hands has affected me.
A dark chuckle falls from his lips before he says, “Right. Whatever you need to tell yourself, Alex.”
God, he annoys me. Him and his stupid, sexy accent.
As I step out onto the sidewalk, my gaze goes up and down the street, unsure of how we’re getting to the airport. I imagine he’ll have a driver rather than driving himself. People don’t really drive themselves in the city, it’s like the hunger games in metal death traps.
“The car’s over here,” he murmurs in my ear, causing a shiver to run down my spine.
Thankfully, he doesn’t say anything else, instead he steps past me and leads the way to a town car parked a short distance from my building.
A driver climbs out and holds the door open for me as I approach. Sebastian hands him my suitcase and waits for me to take a seat in the back. Once inside, I buckle myself in and turn to face the window, intent on ignoring the man filling the space next to me.
The drive to the airport is uneventful. When we check-in it appears Sebastian spared no expense in booking our flights and we’re seated in first class. We pass through security quickly and find a seat at the bar of a restaurant near our departure gate.
Sebastian has left to go to the bathroom and I’m grateful for the break it gives me from him. It feels like my posture has visibly relaxed now that I don’t have to be on my guard. His stupid aftershave has been enveloping me in a calming blanket since he picked me up. I need to get a handle on the effect he has on me.
“Mind if I sit here?”
I’m pulled from my thoughts by the owner of a deep voice and turn to face a guy who can’t be much older than thirty. At my lack of a response, he takes Sebastian’s seat and holds his hand out.
“I’m Ryan. You going far today?”
I blink in confusion at what is going on right now. I think he’s… hitting on me. He’s a good looking guy; his hair is a dark brown mop of thick curls and he has a strong sharp jaw that’s clean shaven, emphasizing his full lips. Dark blue eyes twinkle at me with a hint of amusement in them.
“You don’t get many guys approaching you, huh?”
At that I finally find my tongue and reply, “Not really. Don’t most people meet online nowadays?”
A rich laugh belts from him, and he tips his head. “I guess so, but not to sound conceited, I’m not most people. When I see a beautiful woman sitting all alone, I can’t help but make conversation.”
“You sure are a rare breed then, Ryan. I’m Alex, nice to meet you.”
I hold my hand out and his warm, large palm slips into mine. For a moment, we just hold hands and I can’t help but wonder what else might be big on this man.
“It’s nice to meet you too, Alex.” His gaze lands on my lips and unconsciously, I dart my tongue out to wipe across it.
“Care to introduce me?” Sebastian’s gruff voice bursts the bubble that Ryan and I were in and my focus goes to him as I pull my hand out of Ryan’s.
With my chin lifted in defiance I say, “Of course, Ryan, this is Sebastian, my—”
“Her husband.” Sebastian cuts me off as his arm goes around my shoulder and he levels a hard gaze at Ryan.