Page 33 of Don't Fall in Love
With a bow of my head, I assure him as I say, “Anything, to make this transition smooth for you, George.”
A grin stretches across his mouth. “Fantastic. So a week in Lake Geneva with my family is doable for you?”
Where has he pulled this crap from?
It’s the selling of a property, not a fucking cult sign up. Jesus. I scrub my hand over my jaw as I consider how to answer him.
It’s not really a question I can say no to—no matter how much I want to—because if I want this property—which I do—I’m going to have to go on this trip.
I look down at Alex as she looks up at me, searching my face for who knows what, and looking away when she can’t find it.
“I can make it, but I’m not sure Alex can. She’s very busy at the firm.” I’ll have to do this without her because she’s only mine for a few days.
The smile falls from George’s face as he looks at us. “This may be a problem. One of my stipulations is that I get to know the family taking over my property.”
My mind lingers on the word family and I fight to not let mydisgusttowards him show on my face. It’s laughable thathe,of all people, thinks family is important. I want to give him a piece of my mind, his words nearly pushing me over the edge, but I can’t blow this deal.
No. My time will come. For now, I’ll stick with my belief that the only person you can rely on in life is yourself. Even now, with this situation I’ve put myself in, I know I can’t truly rely on Alex to go along with my charade. Hell, after today she probably won’t.
Alex rests her head on my shoulder before she speaks. “I’m sure we can make it work, George. Bastian has your number. He’ll call you for the details later once I’ve called my work.”
“Of course. Let’s talk later, Sebastian.”
We leave George and as we climb into the cab and drive further and further from the club, I know deep down that I won’t be getting it, not if Alex doesn’t want to go along with my plan.
What will I do if Alex wants nothing to do with my lies?
I’m quiet on the ride back to the apartment, my mind whirling through plans I’ve already discarded once before.
I fear I may have to let this club go and find another way to get my revenge.
Neither of us has spoken a word since we left George. I hold the apartment door open for Alex and can feel the restless energy rolling off of her in waves as she walks in. She at least waits until I’ve closed the door and turned to face her before she speaks. With the fedora she was wearing now discarded and her overcoat hanging open, she looks ready for battle.
In my mind, I imagine crashing my lips to hers and finding out what she’s wearing underneath that dress. I swear I saw a hint of lace when she was sitting in the car earlier.
Jesus, I need to get laid.
And not by Alex.
With my hands raised in surrender, I say, “I know, I owe you an explanation.”
“You owe me more than that, but it’s a damn good starting place. What the hell were you thinking?”
She doesn’t raise her voice, instead she’s cool, calm and collected. It's unnerving that she’s acting as if I haven’t just roped her into my ridiculous plans.
“I’ll explain it all, I promise.” I brush past her to the kitchen and the sound of her heels clicking along the marble tell me she’s following.
I find the cabinet with the glasses easily enough, pulling out two tumblers before I swipe up the bottle of whiskey that was sitting on the sideboard when we arrived. With a generous pour in each glass, I hand one to Alex before I bring mine to my lips and take a sip. The full bodied smoky flavor goes down smoothly and eases some of my tension.
As I lean back against the counter, crossing my legs at the ankles, I allow my gaze to roam over Alex freely.
She shifts under my assessment. Slamming back her drink and walking out of the room, she calls over her shoulder, “I’m going home, Sebastian. I’ve had enough of this shit.”
I let her go, at least until I finish my drink. She’s not leaving. I need her to see this through.