Page 41 of Don't Fall in Love
To own me.
Instead, with as much cool indifference as I can muster, I say, “I don’t know what that was, but it won’t be happening again. When we see George and his family, that should be the only time you touch me.” I motion between us with my finger “This was a mistake and I’m going to say that in my sleep deprived state I didn’t know what I was doing. I’m going to get ready.”
I practically run back to my room, not giving him a chance to respond. We both know I’m right. With my back to the door, I pull in a deep, calming breath before blowing it out.
So much for keeping my distance from him.
After a moment of meditation, I push away from the door and go about getting myself ready. If I wasn’t going to be debt free at the end of this, then I’d have left by now.
* * *
Neither of us has said a word since we left the apartment. I’m tempted to ignore him for the whole journey, but then we’d be under pressure when questions start flying at us.
At first, I tried to sleep, but now that I’m awake, I can’t. Whenever I close my eyes, I see him above me, as he thrusts in and out.
Sebastian drives the rental car and I stare out of the window as the bustling sidewalks and gleaming buildings turn into less densely populated areas with more greenery than buildings.
We’ve been driving for around half an hour when I decide there’s no time like the present to break the awkward silence.
“So, I guess we should get a couple of things worked out before we arrive.”
He flicks his gaze over to me for a moment before going back to the road. “Such as?”
I throw my hands in the air and blow out a breath of frustration. “I don’t know, Sebastian. How about how we met? When did you propose? Do we live together? Are we in love? Things like that.”
Calm as ever, he answers, “We met when you came to my club for a Christmas party. I proposed on Meghan and Cooper’s wedding day. We were on the dance floor and I knew at that moment I wanted you as my wife. Yes, we live together. No, I don’t do love.”
Wow. Okay, so he’s really thought about this.
Hold up.“I would be so pissed if you proposed to me on our best friends' wedding day. It’s selfish. I wouldn’t have said yes.”
“I didn’t get down on my knee. I just whispered it into your ear as we swayed to a song.”
My voice is scratchy as I ask, “What song?” I clear my throat. “They’ll ask.”
He lifts one shoulder in a shrug. “I don’t know. Maybe that one… What’s it called?Unconditional?”
“Really?” My eyebrows reach for my hairline.
“I don't think it really matters, but if you do, you can choose what you want it to be.”
Going back to the thing he’d said earlier, I say, “You know, I wouldn’t marry you if you didn’t love me. You’re going to have to pretend you do, because nobody willingly gets married to someone who doesn’t love them.”
“Fine. I will pretend. What else do you want to cover?”
“Okay, we met just over two years ago. When did we start dating?”
“Why did you propose?”
He thinks on this one for a while, before asking, “Will they really ask that?”
“I would.” I shrug.
“Fine. I proposed because you captured my attention from day one. You’re nothing like anyone I’ve ever met. You’re committed to your job, independent, and yet not afraid to ask for help when you need it. You’re loyal and would do anything for the people you love. You’re confident within yourself, and you’re not brash but almost reserved in the way you carry yourself. Is that enough?”
My cheeks heat at his words, and I’ve never been more grateful that my blush isn’t visible to him. I didn’t think he’d say something so… I don’t know. I’m at a loss for words.