Page 50 of Don't Fall in Love
Sophie takes the seat next to Alex with Daniel taking the one next to her. Jensen waltzes over and sits opposite Alex. His focus is on her, even when Daniel tries to draw him into a conversation.
What the fuck is wrong with this guy?
Clearing my throat doesn’t break thefuckingstaring competition they’re having.
Almost as if on instinct, I rest my hand on the back of Alex’s neck, turning her head and capturing her lips with mine. She doesn’t pull away, instead turning to rest her hands on my chest.Like it’s the most natural fucking thing in the world.
I break the kiss and rest my forehead on hers, as I pick up her hand and play with the seventy thousand dollar engagement ringIput on her finger. Her gaze drops to it before lifting back to mine.
So nobody can hear I lean in and whisper in her ear, “Don’t forget whose ring is sitting on your goddamn finger, Alex. I’m not beyond bending you over this table and fucking you so he gets the message.”
Her breath hitches, and if I didn’t know any better, I’d think my words had turned her on. Well, I do know she likes the risk that somebody could see, but we’ve never gone as far as having someone watch us. My hand itches to slip under her dress and find out if my ‘fiancée’ is as drenched for me as I think she is.
I turn back to the table and find George and Miriam smiling like two proud parents. At least they're buying our whole facade. The quicker they do, the quicker we can get out of here.
Lunch goes by without incident if you don’t count Jensen,‘The Dickhead’,flirting outrageously with Alex. Instead of being my dutiful fiancée, she flirted right back.
Okay, so maybe it wasn’t right back. Maybe she was just being her friendly, sweet self.
Or not. I don’t really have a fucking clue.
She’s been adamant to keep me at a distance ever since that night we first met, and it’s worked well until I roped her into my scheme. Now I regret not getting to know her more, to find out if she’s usually a flirty person or just like this with people she has an interest in.
Instead of allowing her the time to wrap her head around the rock I’d put on her finger, I should have demanded she tell me things about herself. Like the fact that she gives her smiles out freely. Or that she laughs loudly and without being self conscious of how she might sound when she finds something funny.
* * *
All day, I watch her draw the Bennett family under her spell. They hang on every word she says and delight in her company.
Right now, she’s pulling Miriam in for a hug as she says goodnight.
“Thank you so much for today. I’ve had the best time. Coming here was just what I needed.”
“You’re both welcome here anytime,” Miriam offers.
I wrap my arm around Alex’s waist and tuck her under my arm before replying, “I have no doubt we’ll be back. We’ll see you in the morning for that trail walk.”
“Goodnight, and thank you again.”
I steer Alex toward the staircase as I ask, “Did you have a good day?”
She’s all sleepy and instead of pulling away like I expect her to, she snuggles into my side as I drop a kiss on the top of her head. She’s the perfect height that it isn’t awkward when she’s in this position.
“Such a good day. I was nervous about coming.” She lifts her head to look me in the eye as we reach the top of the steps. “What with everything.”
What do I say to that? I can’t tell her I’m glad she came or that I couldn’t imagine doing this with anyone else because that might give her the wrong impression. I don’t want to ruin her day by reminding her of what is at stake.
Alex leads the way into the bedroom. I close the door as she walks into the closet. I suspect to change, until she walks out a moment later carrying a blanket, then snags a pillow from the bed.
“What are you doing?”
“I figured I’d need a blanket and a pillow for my bed,” she shrugs as if it’s no big deal, throwing the blanket out on the floor and plopping the pillow at one end.
I’m still by the door but take a few tentative steps further into the room. She’s crazy if she thinks I’m letting her sleep on the floor.
“We can share the bed, Alex. It’s big enough for us both.”
“No offense, but I don’t want to share a bed with you.”