Page 6 of Don't Fall in Love
Maybe he’ll get the hint and go away.
We don’t know each other well enough to make small talk—a few hook ups doesn’t make us friends—and I certainly have nothing to say to him. At least not anything nice. I think the feelings I’d felt for him at one point have since morphed into… not hate, but certainly something close to that.
I’m aware of him moving to stand at the end of the bed, and I don’t need to look at him to know his eyes haven’t left me.
“Are you avoiding me, Alex?” he asks—his voice is like honey as it caresses over my body—drawing my attention to him. Damn him and his sexy British accent.
A battle begins inside of me. I’m not sure if I want him to climb on top of me and claim me, or to throw a shoe at his stupid, handsome face.
I wish he didn’t affect me like this.
Unable to ignore his presence any longer, I dip my sunglasses to the tip of my nose as I level my gaze at him over the rim, my eyes flicking up and down him with an air of boredom.
He’s dressed in a pair of faded dark blue jeans, which he’s paired with a white t-shirt and a black leather bomber jacket. A pair of black leather worker boots adorn his feet and the pièce de résistance is the baseball cap that he’s wearing backwards, that with his Aviators on, has me practically weak at the knees.
“Shouldn’t you be getting back to your date?” I shoot back, my brow lifting in question before I continue, “Who even brings a date to a housewarming party?” My tone betrays me and I pull my gaze away from him, pushing my sunglasses back into place so that he can’t see the hurt in my eyes.
“I love how you’ve avoided the question.” He chuckles as he sits on the daybed next to me, leaning back on his palms. He closes his eyes and lifts his face to the sun, as if he has all day to wait for me to answer.
I’m done with his games. I swing my legs over the edge of the bed, bending to pick up my discarded shoes and walk to the gap in the hedges. I thought I could do this, be civil with him, but I can’t. It’s impossible for me to be around him without emotions I can’t quite identify being stirred up inside of me. I’m nearly at the gap in the bushes when he calls out to me.
“That’s right, Alex, run away. You’re good at that.”
I roll my eyes as I turn to face him. He wants an answer. I’ll give him one. “Yes, Sebastian, I am avoiding you. I’m not going to lie. When I fuck a man, I like to know that my pussy is enough for him. Thatmytaste is the one that he craves. That he can only think about seeing me on my knees as I let him fuck my throat so hard, he bruises the back of it.” My chest heaves, as I finally say all the things I’ve wanted to say to him for the longest time.
His eyes go stormy, and I can see the muscle in his jaw ticking, but I continue unfazed, “I don’t need him to have a title; I just need him to not be fucking anyone else. I don’t think that’s too much to ask, and I’mveryaware that I won’t get that from you, so as far as I’m concerned, you’ve served your purpose. Somewhere out there will be a man that sets me on fireandwho’s thoughtsIconsume. Thanks for a good time, but I don’t want or need you anymore.”
Turning on my heel with my head held high, I walk back to the party, praying he can’t see my shaking hands. I might have practiced that speech in my mind a thousand times but I never thought I’d have the opportunity to give him a piece of my mind like this.
I’m done with him, and it feels good to have gotten a few things off my chest. He doesn’t get to pretend we’re friends when he’s never treated me like anything but an available piece of ass.
* * *
“Alex, come and meet Ben,” Meghan calls to me with a hint of mischief in her mossy gaze, as I step out of the house. “I think you guys will get along great.”
I’ve spent the last half an hour fiddling around in the kitchen, trying not to watch Sebastian from the kitchen window. Despite my bravado earlier, I still find my gaze seeking him out, which only makes me more mad at myself.
Taking a detour to the drinks table, I deposit the empty bottle in my hand on the table with some others and grab a new one from the cooler, before walking over to Meghan and Ben. Taking a large swig from the bottle, I swallow it down as I pull my sunglasses from the top of my head and over my eyes.
I’m staying in one of Meghan’s spare rooms tonight and my plan is to get drunk enough to pass out but not make a fool of myself. I’m going to need something stronger than beer if I want to succeed.
I pray to God that Meghan isn’t trying to hook me up with someone. Even though it’s not really her style, at this point it wouldn’t surprise me. I’m not completely ignorant to the comments she’s been making about my singledom—completely innocent comments, of course.
As I approach, my eyes coast over Ben behind the cover of my sunglasses. He’s a good-looking guy. Likereallygood-looking. His features are striking, and with a straight nose, wide eyes framed by long lashes and high cheekbones, he could be on the cover ofGQ Magazine.
His hair is shaved short and tight to his head, and a short beard covers what I’m sure is a strong jaw. He’s dressed in a pair of navy boat shoes, tan chino shorts, and a short sleeve navy shirt showing off the tattoo sleeves on both of his arms. Standing in front of him, I can just about make out a rose tattoo on his neck.
“Hi, Alex. It’s nice to meet you.” Ben pulls me in for a friendly hug, and I get a whiff of his woodsy cologne. I return the friendly kiss he places on my cheek, before pulling back, with a genuine smile on my face.
“Hi, Ben. It’s a pleasure to meet you too.” I turn to Meghan as she squeezes my arm. She calls out to someone across the yard and moves away to talk to them.
Turning back to Ben, I take a sip of my drink, then ask him, “So, how do you know Meghan and Cooper?”
“I live about four houses down and ran into Meghan and Lizzie one afternoon about a month ago. We’ve been friends ever since.” He throws a smile in Meghan’s direction. “Apparently, you and I are very similar,” Ben comments, his eyes scanning the backyard.
“Is that so?” I ask, my eyebrows raising in question as I wrap an arm around my waist, lifting my gaze to him.
“We’re both stubborn.” He laughs. “Have bubbly personalities, and like to push our friends to step out of their comfort zones,” he declares with a wink.