Page 69 of Don't Fall in Love
I don’t hold back from kissing her silky skin this time. My lips press onto her shoulder, and I move up the expanse of her neck. Alex tips her head to the side, giving me more access before dropping her head to my shoulder.
From my angle above her, I can see that her eyes are closed and her chest is heaving with labored breaths.
What a fucking vision she makes.
The hospital gown pooled around her hips and her chest heaving in her bra as she tries to restrain herself. The only thing that’s missing is myfuckingring on her finger.
It’s not real.
I dismiss the thought because for a moment, at least until we get back to New York, I can pretend she’s mine.
My lips brush over the shell of her ear as I say, “I know, but I want to do this.”
A whimper escapes her lips and as I move back from her, picking up the t-shirt, I can’t help the smirk that graces my lips.
When she’s dressed, my eyes land on the ring, resting on the table where she abandoned it earlier. I pick it up, staring down at it for a moment, the weight heavy yet light in my hand. Stepping between Alex’s legs, I pick up her left hand and slide the ring onto her finger. She swallows thickly, her gaze intent on the action.
“You’ll need to keep this on for a little bit longer,” I mumble.
Her voice is scratchy as she replies, “Okay.”
Despite what may come next when we get back to New York, I know that Alex still wants me, just like I want her.
This isn’t the end of us.
Idon’t even know where to start with analyzing everything that has happened in the last forty-eight hours. After being released from the hospital, we went back to the Bennett’s and packed up our things. Everyone was so apologetic for what had happened, despite me reassuring them that it wasn’t their fault.
It wasn’t anybody’s fault.
Things like this just happen, but no matter how much he tries to hide it from me, Sebastian is blaming himself. I’ve tried to tell him it’s not his fault, but he won’t have it.
Before we left, I went and said goodbye to Coco. I know something spooked her. Something I couldn’t see or hear, but something nonetheless. She nuzzled into my neck as if trying to apologize. It might have been my imagination, but her big, beautiful eyes seemed glassy and filled with concern. I tried to reassure her, too, that it wasn’t her fault.
She seemed to accept it more than Sebastian.
Sebastian and I arrived back in New York late last night, after staying for dinner with the Bennett’s. Bastian hired a private jet to bring us home and it was like nothing I have ever experienced before.
When I got back to my apartment, I was exhausted. Too exhausted to argue with Sebastian when he insisted on sleeping on my couch, refusing to leave despite me telling him Savannah could come over if I needed anything.
My phone pings with an incoming text and I pick it up, expecting it to be the group chat. I sent a message when we boarded the flight, explaining we were on our way back and there had been a small accident. When I switched my phone back on, I was bombarded with twenty missed calls and what felt like hundreds of messages asking what had happened and was I okay.
It’s not the group chat.
I’m just heading back, do you need anything from the store? Painkillers? A drink? Food?
You don’t have to come back, I’m fine.
I’ll pick up a couple of things. Shouldn’t be more than twenty minutes.