Page 21 of Don't Make Promises
There’s a hum of background noise on the other end of the phone as Jack speaks, “Hey, yeah, all good here. Thank you for picking Savannah up by the way.” I imagine him walking to work, with the sound of London coming alive around him.
There’s a hint of worry in his tone when he asks, “So, what do you mean where would she be going?”
“I was heading to bed and found her in the kitchen fully clothed, shoes and all, making breakfast.” I chuckle as an image of her on the floor surrounded by granola pops into my head. “Well, she was making a mess, but that’s nothing new. Then, well, then she left.”
“I’ll give her a call and see what’s going on. Thanks, man. I gotta go. Catch ya later.”
The call disconnects and I place my phone back on the desk and head to bed.
At midday, I walk through the door of Noah and Sutton’s apartment. My body aches from being on my feet since before the sun rose. I’ve been kneading all varieties of dough and mixing cake batters at Sasha’s before walking two dogs for a job I picked up through my job app.
I want to rest my head on my pillow and sleep for the rest of the day. It feels like an eternity since I last packed out my schedule this much, but I don’t have much choice.
I’ll get in a power nap, and then make a plan to get some more clothes because I can’t keep re-wearing the same stuff over and over. Especially if every week is going to be as active as this one.
Instinctively, I throw my key in the bowl filled with mail on the table by the door. If this was my own apartment, I’d kick my shoes off and strip out of my clothes as I zombie-walk to bed. As it is, I’ll have to make do with just kicking off my shoes.
I don’t want to outstay my welcome but I’m also very aware that I need to add to my meager savings to be able to afford a deposit for my own place.
Eyes on the prize.
In all my adult years, I’ve never lived by myself. I’ve always lived in a shared house or with my parents. I don’t even know if I’d like living on my own.
That sounds like a problem for future Savannah to figure out.
I’m in a world of my own when Sutton exclaims, “Great, you’re back.”
Oh, my stars!
Screaming, my hand flies to my chest, resting over my racing heart. I spin on my heel and seek her out. I was so intent on getting to my room and then having that nap I’ve been promising myself since I started lagging this morning, I didn’t even realize anyone was home.
I’m going to die of shock if Noah and Sutton keep jumping out on me like this.Does nobody know how to delicately announce their presence?
Sutton moves around the couch, her palms up as she approaches me cautiously. “I’m so sorry. I thought you knew I was here.”
My hand falls to my side as I pull back my shoulders and reply, “It’s okay. It’s already been a long day and I was just gonna steal a nap and then head out to get some clothes. I was in a bit of hurry when I…”
I trail off as it dawns on me that I’m rambling and Sutton doesn’t need to know about the disaster that is my love life. Scratching the side of my head, I take a step back in the direction of my room. As I lift my hand and open my mouth to speak, Sutton cuts me off. “I could come shopping with you? I know some good places around here.”
My eyes dart down to the designer clothes that she’s wearing. Definitely not in my budget.
When I meet her clear and friendly gaze, I give her a tentative smile and say, “That’s very kind of you, but I was thinkin’ about goin’ to some thrift stores or even a discount store. I’m kinda on a budget if I’m going to get out of your hair any time soon.” With one final smile, I turn down the hallway to my room.
Sutton’s voice is soft and there’s a hint of vulnerability there when she calls, “I don’t mind going to a thrift store or a discount store. I think it would be good for us to get to know each other.”
Pausing in my tracks, I face her again, my mouth moving before I can think of any reason to turn her down. “Okay. I’m still gonna need that nap though. Maybe we can go in a hour or two?”
It wouldn’t be very gracious of me to say no. Especially given how she has welcomed me into her home with what I’m assuming was no notice.
Clapping her hands together in excitement, Sutton replies, “Fantastic, I can’t wait.”
At least one of us can’t. I’d rather walk across a piping hot floor furnace than spend the afternoon shopping with Noah’s girlfriend. Not because she isn’t lovely—she’s very welcoming—but, well, avoiding Noah seems to go hand in hand with avoiding Sutton.