Page 41 of Don't Make Promises
I need to time my exit just right. Lifting my gaze, I look around the car until my eyes connect with Ruperts. Bingo. “Hey Rupert, how are you?”
“Good, thank you, Miss O’Riley. Did you have a good evening?”
“It’s Savannah, Rupert. And yes, I did have a good night. Right up until your boss decided the fun should end.”
The door opens and Sutton climbs in the back with a huff, just as Noah opens the front passenger door and gets one leg inside. With a wink to Rupert, I open my door and dart out, rounding the trunk and racing—as quickly as my short legs and heels will let me—back to the club.
There’s an element of confusion in his voice when Noah shouts after me, “Savannah, what are you doing?”
I don’t bother answering him.
Throwing him a cheeky grin, the bouncer opens the rope divider, and I dart through calling back ‘thank you’.
I’m a woman on a mission and nothing is going to stop me. My first stop is the bar. I hurry down the length of it until I find him. Jamison looks up, a lopsided grin on his face when he spots me.
“You’re lucky, I was about to leave.”
With my best sultry smile, I smooth my hand down his arm as I purr, “Now, you wouldn’t’ve left without my number, sugar.”
He throws his head back, a throaty laugh erupting from him. “No, I wouldn’t, cupcake.” Jamison composes himself as his gaze moves over my left shoulder. “I better be quick, your dad’s back.”
I turn away from Jamison, my eyes connecting with a furious Noah as he pushes his way through the crowd toward us. I can’t contain the eye roll that sends my eyes to the back of my head. Or the smirk that falls on my lips at having pissed him off.
Serves him right.
Facing Jamison, I pick up his phone from the bar, entering my number into a new message thread. I send a text to my phone, waiting until it buzzes in my purse before handing it back to him.
My next move is completely impulsive but also comes from a need to know if there is any chemistry between us.
My fingers cup Jamison’s face, pulling him down to me as I push up onto my toes. Our lips connect briefly, before his arm wraps around my waist tugging me closer. When he kisses me the second time, it’s the perfect blend of power and softness. His tongue demands entry into my mouth and when I grant it, he dips inside.
Pulling away, I take a step back, a smirk on my lips. “Catch ya later, sugar.”
“Oh you will, cupcake.”
I sashay toward the exit, a grin on my face the size of Manhattan. Noah is standing a few steps away, a look on his face I don’t care to analyze. Waving my phone at him triumphantly as I pass, I think over the kiss with Jamison.
It was nice enough, but there just wasn’t any spark there. Maybe I’m asking for too much, after all, life isn’t like the movies.
Not every kiss will be like my first kiss.
They won’t all set me on fire and have my lips tingling for hours afterward. I think I might need to lower my expectations or at least come to the realization that maybe that kiss wasn’t as grand as I’m making it out to be.
It happens all the time. People remember things being truly amazing but when they experience it again, it lets them down. This is just like that. Except I won’t be experiencing it ever again.
Picking up my coat from the cloakroom on my way out, I step out onto the sidewalk and walk to the car with Noah not far behind. Climbing into the front passenger seat next to Rupert, I buckle myself in. When Noah is settled, we pull away from the curb, the car shrouded in silence.
There’s nothingI hate more than silence.
“Rupert, do you like R’n’B music? It’s my favorite.” I don’t wait for him to answer as I switch on the radio and fiddle with the buttons until I find a station with late night jams. Resting my head on the cool glass of the window, I sporadically sing along to a popular song byEn Vogue.
“You have a beautiful voice, Savannah,” Rupert compliments.
“Thanks, Roops. Years of singing lessons sure have helped.”
The motion of the car, the alcohol flowing through my body and the exhaustion that has shrouded over me recently has my eyes fluttering closed. I hope that Noah and Sutton figure out whatever has caused this divide between them.
Maybe it’s me.