Page 46 of Don't Make Promises
My voice cracks, overwhelmed with her generosity and proximity. “It’s amazing, Van. I…” Swallowing thickly, I look back at the comic book in my lap before continuing, “Thank you.”
She shrugs, like it’s no big deal, but it’s the best gift I’ve ever received.
Because it came from her.
Jack nudges my shoulder, drawing my attention away from Savannah. “What did Sav get you?”
“A comic book,” I reply, flicking through the pages.
“Nice one. Sav got you a better gift than she did me.” Looking around me at Savannah, Jack jokingly says, “I expect more from you next year, Sav.”
“Maybe if you stopped calling me by that stupid nickname, you’d get a better gift.”
Savannah’s response has a smirk forming on my lips. It brightens my mood, and for the rest of the day, I refuse to allow myself to feel guilty. Instead, I luxuriate in the company of the family that has taken me in and shown me what love truly looks like.
Sutton sits across from me surveying the menu, a tension of what is to come hovering above us. We were seated twenty minutes ago. We’ve barely said a word to each other—aside from the usual courteous greetings—the entire time.
When the waiter passes by for the third time, I give a small shake of my head indicating we still aren’t ready. It wouldn’t surprise me if he approached and told us we needed to leave. It’s a busy Saturday night. The sound of cutlery scraping across plates, mingled with mood music and the loud chatter of people all add to the ambience.
I don’t know about Sutton, but I won’t be able to relax and eat until we’ve had this conversation. It’s been a long time coming after all.
Sutton puts down her menu and looks over at me, a sad smile on her face. “I’d like to start, if that’s okay?”
I follow suit, placing my menu on the table. Inclining my head, I pick up my glass, taking a sip of the icy water. “Go ahead.”
“I’d like to think that this conversation isn’t coming as a surprise to you. Especially as I feel that you and I have grown so distant over these past six months. You’ve been working so much and I’ve been filling my time with jobs here and there and vacationing without you. I hardly ever see you, and even when I do, it’s not like we do anything that couples should be doing. For you, there was always an acquisition in play or a merger that needed to be executed, but in truth, I wasn’t putting in the effort either.
“I could have forced you to come away with me, or take me out for dinner, but I was quite content to just live my life. In a way, I had the protection of a boyfriend, but without any of the affection I so desperately need. It’s not fair on either of us, to be dating ghosts of who we used to be. For the last couple of months, I’ve really been reflecting on what I want and who can give that to me. And I’m going to caveat what I’m about to say with, I love Savannah and I am so glad I got to meet her.”
When I go to interrupt, she holds up her hand and says, “Let me finish. I think I was using her staying with us as an excuse to not have this conversation. In a way, she was a buffer, at least to a certain point. But when she started working just as much as you, it amplified my loneliness. For both of our sakes, I think it’s better if we walk away before we resent each other for not giving us what we need.”
Blowing out a breath, my body sags with relief. Christ, she’s right. This conversation has been long overdue. I should have stepped up long ago and ended things between us because I’ve known that it’s been over for a long time.
“I agree. I’m sorry I haven’t been there. You know I’ll always be honest with you and maybe I shouldn’t tell you this but I need to get it off my chest. It was never anything you did, just know that. Us ending, isn’t on you. It’s on me. Instead of being a man about it, I threw myself into my work and neglected you because the things I felt when we first started seeing each other had diminished. I don’t know why or when but I’m sorry I couldn't give you what you needed.”
She reaches across the table and takes ahold of my hand. “Neither of us are to blame, Noah. These things happen in relationships, not everyone is destined to be with someone for forever. It’s a nice idea, but in most cases, things like that only happen in the movies. I’d like to hope we can still be friends, because you still mean something to me. Just not in a romantic way.”
Leaning back in my chair, I smooth my hand over my beard, pulling at the hair on my chin. “I’d like that.” I pause, my gaze wandering around the restaurant as I release a breath. The weight of the evening lifts off my chest. Turning back to Sutton, I say, “I’m not really sure what else there is to say.”
The corner of her mouth lifts as she shrugs a shoulder. “There isn’t much to say. You wanna eat or just go home?”
“I don’t mind, it’s up to you.”
Folding her napkin, she places it on the table. “I think I’m gonna leave. I’ll stay at Monica’s tonight but I’ll be back to pick up some of my stuff tomorrow before we schedule in some time for me to get everything.”
Nodding my head distractedly, I remain seated. Shock, at the fact that we’ve actually broken up, has me blinking as I stare straight ahead. I knew this conversation was going to happen, and deep down, I knew that Sutton was feeling the same way but I expected… hell, I don’t know what I expected.
Maybe some drama? No, that’s not Sutton’s style at all.
I barely register Sutton stopping next to me as she presses a kiss to my forehead and squeezes my shoulder. “I’ll text you.” She hesitates, as if she’s not quite sure whether to voice what she’s about to say. “When you’re ready, just know it’s okay for you to give in to her. You and Savannah are much better suited for each other than you and I ever were. Plus, it helps that you can cut the sexual tension between the two of you with a knife.”
With that, Sutton walks away, my eyes following her as she strides through the restaurant. My brow furrows as I try to wrap my head around her comments.What the hell was that about?
Oblivious to my inner turmoil, the waiter approaches, clearly done with me occupying a table. “Are you ready to order sir?” Pointedly he looks in the direction of the door that Sutton just walked through.