Page 62 of Don't Make Promises
Swiping the lip gloss over my lips, I replace the wand in the tube and step back to admire my reflection. It’s a risque dress, that’s for sure. But it hints and teases at what’s underneath, and I’ll be charming the dew right off the honey suckle.
I feel sexy and confident, so how could I not?
My hair is curled and my makeup looks ‘expensive’, whatever that means. Alex talked me through the steps over FaceTime and I’m actually shocked at how well I did. My skin looks flawless and dewy, with sultry eyes and soft rosy cheeks.
I’m wearing a pair of six-inch stilettos that really tighten everything up. Which is just as well really, because this dress leaves next to nothing to the imagination. It fits even better than it did in the store.
Please, dress, work your magic.
I swipe up my black clutch bag and the fur coat Alex has kindly lent me, and exit my room. I’m meeting Ben outside Siren, and even if I don’t meet someone to go home with tonight, I’ll at least have a blast with Ben.
No, that’s not the right mindset. Tonight, Iwillfind someone to go home with.
Throwing the coat and my clutch onto the back of the couch, I walk into the kitchen in search of something to eat before I leave. I do not need to be a sloppy drunk or wake up with a hangover in the morning.
Rummaging around in the refrigerator, I find a questionable looking block of cheese that will go with the loaf of bread I’ve been tearing chunks off of from the bakery. Sasha makes the best loaves in the city and I’m not biased at all.
I’m bent over in the refrigerator, looking for anything else that will go with my cheese and bread, when I hear the front door open and close. Footsteps approach, telling me Noah’s home before his spicy scent assails my nostrils.
As I straighten, I suck in a breath before turning to put the pickles, mustard, and pastrami on the counter. Noah freezes in the entryway of the kitchen, his gaze roaming over my body in a way that tells me he’s not quite in control.
He’s probably thinking how I should put more clothes on and that a trash bag would be more appropriate in his mind.Yeah, not happening, buddy.
With a serene smile on my face, I move around the kitchen grabbing a plate and cutlery as I say, “Hey, I’m just headin’ out with Ben but thought I’d make a sandwich first. You want one?”
Noah blinks, as if just realizing where he is. “Umm, no. I’m good, thanks.” He pauses, then asks, “You’re going to wear that outside of the apartment?”
My brow pulls into a frown as I look down at myself, searching for whatever it is that he thinks is wrong with what is becoming my favorite dress. When I come up empty, I walk out from behind the island. Standing in front of him as I turn left and then right, looking down at my body and with a cheery tone, I reply, “I did question Sutton when she told me Ihadto get it, but now, well, now I think it’s hotter than a hayloft on a Montgomery summer afternoon.”
I blink up at him, feigning innocence. Enthralled, I watch as his jaw grinds while he avoids looking at me. He doesn’t say anything, and I take that as my cue to leave.
“Ya know what? I can eat later. Have a good evenin’, Noah.”
My hips sway and I can feel the heat of his gaze on me with every step as I move to the couch and pick up my coat.
He still doesn’t say anything, even as I throw it over my arm and walk to the door. It solidifies my plan for tonight. Heck, I might even redownload a few dating apps tomorrow.
With my hand on the door handle, I flick my hair over my shoulder and with a voice that comes out a tad bit too husky for my liking, I turn to him and say, “Have fun workin’, Noah.”
I open the door and walk to the elevator, leaving it to click shut softly behind me. Just as the elevator doors open, so does the apartment door.
He makes his presence known as his sure strides eat up the space. I step into the car, and turn until I’m facing him. That’s when I see he’s still in his navy chinos, but has lost the suit jacket and tie, leaving his crisp white shirt collar open. With his sleeves rolled up, I have the perfect view of his veined forearms.My weakness.
“I never said I wasn’t coming.” There’s an authoritative note to his voice as he steps into the waiting elevator, turning to face the doors.
I can’t hide my surprise when I reply, “Oh, but I figured you’d have work or somethin’ else to do?”
Noah shoves his hands into his pant pockets, the fabric stretching tight across his ass. I swallow thickly as I rub my thighs together to relieve the ache building in my core.
I need vodka. Now.
Oblivious to my inner torment, Noah keeps his eyes focused on the doors as we travel down to the lobby. “Well, you were wrong.”
Afraid that my arousal might give me away, I lift my shoulder with a shrug, as if it’s of no consequence to me if he comes or not. We ride the remainder of our descent in silence as I try to get my voice back.
As the door opens, I turn to Noah and say, “Don’t stop me from hookin’ up with someone tonight. You might like to act like you’re my brother, but you’re not. I don’t think even Jack would have the gall to stop me from doin’ what I wanna do.”
A grunt, that I don’t think is his agreement, follows me as I walk across the lobby and out into the cool autumn air. I pray that Noah doesn’t ruin my night by doing what he did in Siren all those weeks ago.