Page 64 of Don't Make Promises
Noah’s hand rests on my hip, in the same spot that Jamison’s did moments ago. Small sparks zap between us as he makes a circular motion with his thumb. I turn to face him and we’re so close that our breaths mingle in the gap between us.
My chest rises and falls as I try to process what is happening to my body. When I look into his dark gaze, I snap back to reality and scramble out of his lap, composing myself before I turn to face him.
Was that heat I saw in his eyes?
It doesn’t matter if it was or not. He’s already made himself clear. Nothing will ever happen between us—even if that’s what his body wants.
Some of the fight has left me, but I’m not letting him off the hook. It’s not his place to act like this. “Are you happy with yourself, Noah Parker?”
His brow furrows.
I continue, undeterred, shouting over the music, my words a little slurred. “Don’t you dare play dumb with me. I’m so mad at you.”
“Van, I don—”
“Don’t call me Van.” I stamp my foot to punctuate my point. “Only my friends get to call me Van and yousir, ain’t my friend,” I sneer.
With that, I blow out an exasperated breath, then turn and walk away from him.
What is his problem?
He isn’t my brother. I only have one and I don’t care for another. Especially not one who’s gonna stop me from living my life.
I can faintly hear him calling my name over the pounding music, but I ignore him, on a mission to get myself out of here and away from him before I either end up in jail or homelessagain. I guess, this time I have money for at least a half decent hotel. And Jack won’t be able to send Noah a second time.
That’s not actually a bad idea.
Maybe I’ll get a hotel tonight. The thought of Noah getting a bee in his bonnet over me not coming home tonight almost brightens my mood. Almost.
As I break through the door and into the cool night, I try to get my mind to formulate a plan. I’m not ready to go home. I could go to Passion. That’s always a good time and maybe I’ll find someone to go home with there. At least Noah won’t be around to stop me.
Moving down the sidewalk, away from the club, I dip into the entrance of an alleyway. A gust of wind blows my hair, sending goosebumps scattering over my skin. Shoot, I forgot my coat.
I’m about to turn back when Noah calls, “Van, wait. Please. Let’s talk. You shouldn't be out here on your own anyway. It’s not safe.”
It might be childish, but I ignore him, keeping my back turned. It’s best for both of us that I do, otherwise I might say or do something I’ll seriously regret. I walk further into the alleyway, away from him. Coming to a stop, I pray that the darkness will envelop me and cloak me from his gaze.
Who am I kidding?
I can’t ever seem to hide from him. All the time I’ve known him, he’sseenme.
Noah follows me until he’s standing so close, yet so far. The heat from his body warms my back, even though I know he’s keeping a safe distance from me. We’ve always been like that. A current of electricity passing through us, as if we might actually combust if we touched.
Noah, touching me? That’s almost laughable. He wouldn’t dare. He’d be too scared of hurting Jack’s feelings. Of breaking a stupid promise he made years ago.
His voice is husky as he pleads, “We live together, Savannah. You can’t just ignore me the whole time. Let’s be adults about this and go home and talk it through.”
I rear back as if his suggestion has physically hit me. Turning to face him, I fold my arms under my chest, drawing his attention to my bust.
Don’t get distracted. Not now. I have a mission to accomplish.
“I ain’t going home. You can. Not that your apartment is my home. In fact, you’re not welcome to hangout with me anymore. Not after what you did in there.” I point toward the club before continuing, “I’m gonna find a man and ride him ‘til he’s broken.” Moving toward Noah, I run my finger down his solid chest.
Even in my heels I barely reach his chin, so instead of whispering in his ear, I tip my head back and give him my most sultry face, leaning my body into his before I say, “And then I’m going to ride him again. And again.”
Just as I step back to walk around him, a growl reverberates in his chest and I think I might have made a fatal error.