Page 95 of Don't Make Promises
I’m not stood at the bar for more than five minutes when she sidles up next to me. I turn to face her, asking, “You okay?”
“Yeah. Just changed my mind about that drink.”
She reaches out to take my hand, but I move it away, my eyes on Sutton across the room as she talks to Meghan.
Hurt fills Savannah’s beautiful blue gaze as she looks up at me. “Why won’t you let me touch you?”
“It’s not you, angel. It’s me.”
Savannah straightens, a knowing look on her face. “It’s not you either. It’s that stupid promise.” A defeated sigh leaves her lips before she continues, “I can’t believe I thought the time apart would help you see that what we have matters. I’ve been such a fool, putting my trust and heart in your hands, just for you to throw it back in my face. Again.”
Her pace is quick as she storms from the room. Waves of angry energy roll off her as I follow.
Why can’t I get it right when it comes to her?
She breaks out into the corridor. The door doesn’t have time to close before I push through. Thankfully, the space is deserted.
My words come out as a growl, demanding that she listen to me. “Savannah, stop.”
She halts, her back still to me before she whirls around. Fight is alight in her eyes as she shouts, “No, Noah, you stop! I’m tired of all o’this. Just leave me alone.”
My anger turns to a plea, desperation taking over every ounce of my body. I need her to understand. She can’t leave me. “You don’t understand. I made him a promise.”
I love her.
But I can’t lose Jack either.
I watch as her shoulders slump and she looks down at her feet. There’s nothing but sadness coating her words. A sadness I don’t want there because it means she’s shutting me out. “A promise you made thirteen years ago. Things change Noah, and that’s okay.”
At a loss for words, I can only look at her as she gives me a heartbreaking smile before she turns and walks away from me. Again.
She doesn’t stop this time.
Shit. I know I should follow her, but I’ve left my phone and her coat at the table. Maybe in the time it takes me to get home, I’ll have figured out how to tell her how I feel.
Returning to the ballroom, I weave my way through the tables. My path is intercepted by Sutton as she comes to a stop in front of me.
“Hi Noah, you’re looking… I’d say good, but you look tired.”
This is the last thing I need right now.
Exasperated, I say, “Hi Sutton. Thanks, you look great too.”
I’m not really looking at her, my focus on getting out of here so I can find Savannah. I go to step around Sutton, but she follows my movement.
She doesn’t speak until I look her in the eye and when I do, all I find is contentment. Sutton looks happy, like the weight of the world isn’t crushing her.
Unlike me.
“I’m happy for the two of you, Noah. But you’re really going to mess it up if you don’t go after her. She deserves the world.”
I look away, her words like a punch to the gut. Of course, I know what she’s saying is the truth, but I might have fucked it up already.
My anger wins out and I turn to Sutton with malice I don’t mean. “No offense, Sutton, but please stay out of this. You don’t know shit. Whatever you think you saw, you’re wrong.”
Folding her arms over her chest, she doesn’t back down. Instead, she lifts a brow and replies, “I’d have to be blind to have mistaken what I saw. Don’t treat me like a fool, Noah. I just need to tell you this one thing and then I want you to go and get her and figure it out. When we were together, you always struggled to verbalize your affection. You were great at showing me how you felt, but what Savannah needs from you is for those words to match the actions. If you can do that, then you can have it all.”