Page 97 of Don't Make Promises
“Ah, there she goes. You got it, angel. Now, say it again.”
“I love you.”
A smile stretches across Noah’s face as he softly says, “Angel, I’m all in. I have been for such a long time. My tattoo?”
I nod, wondering where he’s going but eager to hear him out.
My breath hitches at his words. Of course, I had some idea, but I didn’t want to allow myself to believe it was true.
Noah continues, “It’s a constant reminder of the day you saved my fucking life. The day I knew I loved you. I tried so hard to fight us, to move on and find someone else to fill your shoes. But it always came back toyoubeing the one.
“I’m sorry I was distant, I just didn’t want Jack to find out about us the wrong way. We’ll make it work, I promise you that, angel. I’ll get on the first flight to England tomorrow and tell Jack everything. I don’t care that I might lose his friendship because I’ll have you.”
My eyes widen at his admission. I shouldn't have insisted that we wait until after the wedding to talk through everything.Is he really all in? Has all of this anguish and pain been for nothing? More importantly, what if he changes his mind when he’s in front of Jack?Wrapping my arms around my waist, I try to contain the rising tide of elation, love and hope. I don’t want him to hurt me again. I can’t let him.
“This,” Noah calls, drawing my focus back to him as he holds his arms wide. “Is me begging you to stay, Van. Telling you that I choose you because you choose me. Christ, Savannah, you’re all I’ve ever wanted and now that I have you, I don’t want to lose you. I can’t.”
I don’t hold back. I run toward him, jumping into his arms as I rain kisses on his face, murmuring, ‘I love you’ over and over again. Noah snakes his arms around my body, squeezing me close to him. Burying my face in his neck, I breathe in his musky scent. My heart is full and happy.
“What the hell is going on?” Jack demands.
I slide down Noah’s body, my cheeks heated at having been caught by my brother, of all people.What is he even doing here? Did Noah leave the door open?My mind tries to put the pieces together but it’s no use.
Noah maneuvers me behind him, out of Jack’s sight. I know it’s a protective gesture, he’s not hiding me.
“I can explain, Jack.”
Peeking around Noah, I wave my fingers at him. “Hey, Jack.”
“Hi, Sav.”
He doesn’t look as mad as I thought he would. I step to the side, sliding my hand down Noah’s arm as I take hold of his hand, offering my support. He may have just told me hewantedto come clean to Jack, but it’s a bit different when he’s had no time to prepare for this moment.
“I’m sorry, but I’m also not. It was never my intention for you to find out like this, but Savannah and I have been seeing each other for a while now and, man, I love her.”
He loves me.
My eyes widen and I look down at the floor, hiding my face with my hair as a grin breaks out across my lips.
“How could you do this to Sutton? I thought you were a better man than this, Noah. Sav.” At the sound of my name, I lift my head. Jack’s brows are pulled tight as he points between Noah and I. “I think this is a mistake.”
Frustration laces Noah’s words when he replies, “If you’d wanted to talk about anything other than business the past eight months, you would know that Sutton and I broke up more than six months ago, Jack. The fact you think I’d do that to Savannah or Sutton…” His words trail off as he looks away. Clearing his throat, Noah stands tall, continuing, “I really am sorry for breaking the promise I made to you, Jack. But we were inevitable. I can’t stay away from her anymore than—”
Jack cuts Noah off, his brow furrowed as he asks, “You and Sutton broke up?”
Exasperated, Noah replies, “Yes.”
Jack nods, processing what he’s said. Scratching at his chin, he tilts his head, confusion lacing his words as he asks, “What promise?”
“You told me to stay away from Savannah, that I wasn’t allowed to hurt her. I promised that you didn’t have to worry about that with me. I should never have promised that to you.”
Taking a step forward, Jack moves further into the living room and I watch as he recalls the conversation from thirteen years ago. “No. I made you promise to look out for her and make sure she doesn’t get hurt.By you. Man, I thought you liked her and were going to ask her out.” Jack laughs, but it dies down as he looks between me and Noah.
Pain laces Noah’s words as he says, “You told me, on many occasions, that she was off limits, Jack. You warned me away.”
Jack’s brows tug together, concern pinching his features. “I was giving you shit, Noah. Teasing you about your feelings for her. Jesus, your crush was plain as day.”