Page 34 of Her Brutal King
He takes a slice of bacon and tears a piece off with his teeth.
“What happens with all this food you decidedly don’t eat?” I ask. There’s enough food here to feed a family of four. If I weren’t here to put a dent in it, I’d bet most of it goes to waste. I mean, who actually eats fresh fruit every morning?
“I’ve never had food brought up, so I wouldn’t know.”
“Oh. But today you did?”
“I had it scheduled last night. Wasn’t sure what you’d want.” He takes in the plates scattered around. There’s French toast, pancakes, different varieties of eggs, bacon and sausage.
“You could have just asked, you know?”
He lets out a soft chuckle. “Yeah. I supposed I should have.”
A hand falls on my lap, and the other tugs at the ends of my hair again. I turn to him, which is what he wanted.
“What do you want?” he asks. “For tomorrow?”
I reach for the French toast and stab an already cut up piece with a fork. “Bagels.”
“Really?” he asks, swiping a hand down his beard. “Bagels are so basic.”
“They’re delicious. I love making fancy cream cheese. Like strawberry, or chives and onion. I butter the bagels and toast them in a frying pan, and it’s so good.”
“Good to know.” He inhales a long breath through his nose. “I need to go down to the gym. Will you be done with your calls in an hour?”
I nod. “Should be. I’m splitting the list with Vee.”
“Cool.” He chugs his coffee, then stands. He turns to walk away but stops. “Sammy?” he says, turning his head back.
“Thanks for staying this morning.”
I clear my throat, the sudden lump there causing it to be hard to breathe. “Yeah. No problem,” I say as he walks away.
Chapter Seventeen
Saoirseandhereco-friendlyways. I let out a chuckle after I read the sign by the water cooler in the gym.
We care about the environment. Lowering our carbon footprint is the best way to ensure a clean ecosystem for our children and their futures. Please take a complimentary BPA reusable bottle to enjoy the freshly infused water. Murchadh Hospitality thanks you for choosing us to be your temporary home.
I grab the clear plastic bottle and pop the lid off, then fill it up with lemon mint water from a fancy glass water container beside it. My sister built this place from the ground up on green energy. The foundation of it is even made with recycled hemp. I remember Callum had been a bit in arms about the budget she seemed to blow through. I can’t deny that this is the comfiest hotel I’ve ever stayed in, though.
Sweat drips from my brows, and I drag a hand towel over my face to clear it, then push at the glass door to leave. I haven’t been to the gym in a week, mostly because I don’t enjoy working out in public. But Samira had things she needed to finish, and if she was going to actually get them done, I needed to leave her be. If I stayed up there, I would tug off that robe and fuck her until she was in tears from the pleasure.
I had to get out of there for both our sakes. It’s been an hour since I left her, and I’m hoping that’s enough time because I want to spend as much of this weekend as I can with her before tomorrow. I head down the hallway for the elevator when I notice the spa on my right. I stop in my tracks, hesitating.
Sammy mentioned last night that her knee bothered her. I caught the way she winced when she got up this morning too, holding her back as if it were hurting. “Fuck it,” I mumble, heading for the door.
Inside, there’s a young woman standing behind a reception desk. “Good morning, Mr. Murphy,” she says in a chipper tone. “How was your evening?”
I stop, glancing back to see if maybe one of my brothers is behind me. Just as I thought. I’m alone. How does she know me? She must sense the confusion plastered on my face, because she hurries around the desk. “Ms. Murphy mentioned you may stop by and requested we greet you by name.”
I force a smile. “Right. Well, here I am.”