Page 47 of Her Brutal King
She wants a third chance meeting before she can realize we’re good for each other? Then I’ll make it happen. I chew on my bottom lip. She’s at a jiu-jitsu place downtown. I pop up and hurry to grab clothes and shoes. I’ve been drinking, so I’m not about to drive over there, but I can grab a driver.
Finn, one of the guards on duty, shows up twenty minutes later, a scowl on his face. I hop into the passenger seat. “I hate you so much.”
“Don’t lie. You love me.”
“Not when you cock block me.”
I shrug. “Could’ve said no.”
He grumbles under his breath. “Not when you pull rank.” He pulls out onto the road. “For the record, I think this is a terrible fucking idea.”
“Oh look, a grunt putting in his two cents where it doesn’t belong.”
He sighs, pinches the bridge of his nose, then shakes his head, never peeling his eyes off the road before us. “Still, I needed to say my peace.”
“Well, it’s been said. Now take me over there before her workout finishes.”
“What’s your plan, Dec? Gonna storm in there and demand she leaves with you?”
“I don’t know,” I admit. I can’t just storm in the way I’d like. It’ll give me away. She’ll know I’m tracking her.
Finn doesn’t argue anymore, just drives silently while I come up with my plan. By the time he drops me off in front of the business, I’m level-headed and the fuzzy buzz from the whiskey I drank is significantly gone.
I glance in the windows, peering in at a sweaty Samira. She shoves at the man, attempting to grab her, but he overcomes her and brings her to the ground. I have to fight every bone in my body not to race inside and stop this entire encounter. Especially when her eyes widen with panic before she squeezes them shut. He loosens his hold on her, but doesn’t get off her.
My fists clench at my sides, but I force myself to remain planted on the sidewalk. She’s not actually in any danger, and this is good, that she wants to learn how to keep herself safe. Protected. At least, that’s what I tell myself, especially when she has me to keep her away from danger. My jaw ticks while this asshole stays on top of her, and I stay on the outside, looking in.
Her eyelids snap open, then I get to watch her as determination takes over, and she breaks the hold. Over and over. Each time, pride swells and pulls at my chest. Despite the clear fear that was there a moment ago, she’s pushing through and learning how to do what he’s teaching her. And I can’t be mad at her for that. I can sure as shit force him off her, though. This will be the last time he touches her. I will teach her the damn self-defense skill if I have to. Or if she just needs a trainer to push her. I can be that, too.
I can be whatever and anything that my girl needs.
She slips away from his hold again, and that seems to be the last time. They both move to get off the mat, and she disappears behind a door. I take that as my time to hide. I don’t want her to see me as soon as she comes out, so I hide in the cafe across the street.
Chapter Twenty-Three
“Handsonmywrists,Sammy,” Brendan grunts in my ear.
My eyes are wide, and he’s squeezing my neck.Too hard. I gasp, unable to focus on his command, and I really fucking hate that when the fear kicks in, my response is never to fight. I always freeze up.
Even when it’s not real, like right now.
He’s frustrated, and I don’t blame him. I’ve been in self-defense classes off and on for two years, and I still struggle with knowing how to get out of some of the most basic holds. The panic sets in, and even though Brendan walks me through it, I can’t bring myself to actually move.
But I pay him good money for these private classes, and I need to have something to show for it.
“Come on, Sammy. Focus.”
I shake my head back and forth against the mat.
“Wrap your hands around my wrists. That’s all you have to do, then we can break.”
I suck in a breath. I need to get better at this. How am I supposed to protect my family if I can’t even get out of a false attack?
My hands wrap around his wrists.
“Good.” He releases the hold on me.
“No. Let’s finish,” I say, determined not to give up, despite the fear that threatens to halt my every movement.