Page 8 of Daddy's Hit List
“You’re… in the mafia. The Russian mafia,” I answer around a gasp.
“Yes, boy, I am. There are eyes and ears all over the city, and nothing gets past my Pakhan. I’m keeping you here for your own safety.”
My entire body crumbles, and the only reason I don’t hit the floor is because he holds me up. I’m in danger…which means Ani is, too.
“What about Ani? She’s alone, and that puts her in danger too,” I try to reason with him. “Sheneedsme.”
The warmth I felt a moment before is suddenly ripped away. He unhands me, putting distance between us. Pulling back the covers, he fluffs a pillow before spearing me with his gaze again.
“Sleep. You wouldn’t make it home for days if you escaped, and then what shape would you be in for your precious Ani? We’ll handle everything in the morning.”
I can’t help but listen to the finality in his tone. It’s an order I can’t refuse. Aside from feeling exhausted, he makes a good point. There’s no way I can walk the miles it would take to get back to the city. My mom will make sure Ani is good to go in the morning. They’ll probably think I was too exhausted to come home or that I worked through the night. I work crazy hours during the holiday season.
I climb in, borrowing under the covers in the most comfortable bed known to mankind. It feels as if I'm lying on a cloud. Collector gets in behind me and then pulls me toward him.
I should rebuke his touch. He took me away from my home. Away from my girl. I should hate him. But I can’t.
I melt into his touch as sleep quickly takes me. The last thought that crosses my mind is seeing Ani again.
Alexander: The Pakhan needs to see you.
Tomas: I’ve done my job. I’m off until the new year.
Alexander: You left behind a witness.
Tomas: I tied off all loose ends.
Alexander: Great, you can tell him that yourself. Tonight.
Tomas: Come on, Alex. You know I spend the holiday in Russia. He really expects me to stick around?
Alexander: When you leave a witness breathing? Yes, he does.
Jovial Christmas music plays from downstairs. It’s so loud that the sound travels down the hall and into the closed bedroom door. I can hear the lyrics, so happy and bright. They’re the complete opposite of my mood right now.
Olga wouldn’t dare blast the stereo so loud. It has to be my sweet baker.
I’m not used to the sound of music in the house, and though I’m dreading the meeting, knowing my little baker is downstairs listening to cheerful music and most likely baking makes it seem less daunting.
I’ll have the meeting, and convince the Pakhan that he saw nothing and everything will be fine.
My feet hit the floor and I climb out of bed, tossing on only a pair of boxers before leaving the bedroom. The moment I open the door, I’m hit with the sweet aroma of vanilla and that familiar sweet scent of browning butter.
I take the steps two at a time, coming to a halt when I’m met with Noel’s back as he stands over the stove, singing. He’s wearing a pair of my sweats and t-shirt, his hair pulled back in the familiar tie from the evening before. He must have swiped it from my wrist before he got out of bed.
I head for him, and my hand rests on his shoulder when I close in the distance.
He tenses for a brief moment before turning to me and offering me a smile. It's a forced one. I can tell by the way his eyes don’t shine, and the tight way the corners of his lips curve. “Good morning. I hope you’re hungry.”
Even his voice sounds fake and cheery. He’s trying to sweet talk me into being in a good mood so I’ll do whatever he wishes, it won’t work.
Not happening.