Page 1 of Heritage of Blood
Why is gas expensive?The glowing blue price display mocks me, and I wrestle with the weight of every digit. I swear this is where most of my paycheck goes each week. I don’t want to stop for gas this late, but I need to if I’m going to make it to my mom’s.
She lives outside the city in the town where I grew up. Lake Mead is located on the edges of New York’s sprawling metropolis. It is a peaceful suburban town that provides a welcome escape from the hectic pace of city life. Canopied trees and neat rows of houses line the main street in town, exuding a sense of charm. It’s one of those towns you want to escape as a kid but dream of chasing as an adult. A place where the charm of small-town life coexists with the conveniences of urban proximity.
All that changes in the middle of the night. The deserted streets, normally teeming with life, now belong to the moonlight. The town’s charm takes on a more mysterious tone, amplifying the silence.
The event for the city’s annual fundraiser ran late this afternoon, couple that with the emergency at the vet clinic and I’m beat. Mrs. Twiggs brought Tickles in tonight with a stick jammed in her mouth. That tiny Pomeranian has the worst luck. Mrs. Twiggs is a seventy-something old lady with six dogs, and she panics when anything happens to them. At least this time it was something worth assisting with. Most of the time I’m dealing with pet samples or doing whatever Dr. Smith tells me to. I want to do more, but the cost of going to school to be a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine is something I’ve been saving for. Except, with the gas prices, I’m not doing the best these days.
I rummage around for my pepper spray in the dim flickering lights of the gas station. Shoving it in my pocket, I grab my fleece sweatshirt from the passenger seat and toss it over my head—static electricity crackling through my hair. I pause at the car mirror and sigh. Death, I look like death.
Dark circles line under my eyes and half my makeup is smeared off. I gather my blonde strands into a messy bun before opening my car door, pushing extra hard to get it open.
There is an abundance of repairs needed on this older car. Nina, my little two-door Toyota, was already ten years old when I got her my junior year in high school. I’m shocked she’s still rolling at my age of twenty-four.
Add that to the list of things I need to buy—new car. Maybe I’ll get a hybrid …
I stumble out of the car, trying to pull my debit card from my pocket. One swipe and those hard-earned dollars dwindle away with every gallon.
Leaning against my car, vibration tickles me from my pocket. I opt to ignore it. There is only one person who would be calling this late.
My head falls back, glancing at the sky; it’s crystal-clear tonight. Working inside the city is nice, but seeing the stars is one of the many benefits of my commute to visit my mom. Almost worth all the gas money.
I inhale the crisp cool air, smelling spring floating in. Winter is fading and we are going to get a break from the cold, biting months. My phone buzzes again and I push myself away from my car bumper, glancing at my now dirty sweater.
My car is a mess. Yet, another expense to add to my ever-growing list.
Doing it myself at one of those self-washing stations would be the most affordable. Better yet, I might be able to wash it in my mom’s driveway before I head back into the city.
I live in a smaller apartment complex that has free parking—thank god—or else I’d never be able to afford to keep my car in the city. It wasn’t my first pick as a place to live but it was cheap, and I need to save as much as possible. While I love volunteering at the clinic, it doesn’t bring in any money. After community college my funds ran out, and I had to pause on continuing school to get a full-time job. I’ve been saving ever since, but there is always something that causes me to dip into my savings. It’s disappointing—I’m disappointed in myself.Am I failing him?
My phone buzzes for a third time, and I finally yank the darn thing out of my back pocket.Derek.
Hey, you wanna come over tonight?
All right I’m headed to bed. Gotta be at the precinct early tomorrow. Call me.
What would I even text back? I sigh. Wishing I could go back and change—
A loud screeching sound barrels into the gas station and a large SUV swings into the pump next to me.
Great …
My gas tank isn’t even full yet, and a groan escapes me as the price on the screen keeps scrolling up. Yep, I’m getting a hybrid.
Shifting on my feet to see the other pump, I stare wide-eyed at the blacked-out Range Rover with tinted windows. The owner has not emerged, but I pat my pocket for my pepper spray. Can’t ever be too careful.
The driver’s side door opens and a man with a scowling face steps out. He steals a glance in my direction and my mouth drops open. He is—wow, he is handsome—dressed in a black suit, probably from some fancy event in the city. Tall with broad shoulders, and a head full of dark hair. A chiseled jaw that I’d want to trace with my fingertips, and lips that are currently frowning.
Wait—why is he frowning?
My eyes flutter to him and I follow where he is scrutinizing my car. I clear my throat and his eyes flick to mine. Startled, I bite my lip and jerk away, pulling the sleeves of my sweater down over my hands. Did it get colder out here or something?