Page 23 of Heritage of Blood
The peeling wallpaper near the door catches my attention and I stand pulling out my toiletries for bed. I unzip my travel bag and fish around for my toothbrush.
Swinging open my door, I head to my mom’s room.
“Mom, do you have a toothbrush?” I glance back down to my bag. “And toothpaste?”
Her door is shut as she gets ready for bed, but she opens it with a smile.
“I have toothpaste, but I’m afraid someone used my last spare toothbrush,” she giggles, and I roll my eyes.
“How do you know him, Mom?” I finally ask, leaning against the door frame.
It’s been bugging me all night, and now that she is standing in front of me, I need to know. His familiar accent giving me flashbacks to the eerie elevator ride with him at the hospital and the glint in his eyes was unsettling.
“The night of the shooting, he was in the hospital, did he mention seeing me before?”
My mom’s face morphs into confusion, and her eyes narrow.
“What? No, he didn’t mention seeing you and I met him here in Lake Mead a couple of months ago. He was in the area taking care of his elderly father. Maybe that is why he was in the hospital that evening.”
Her tone has become more irritated, and she straightens, chin rising in defiance. “I know you don’t approve of me having people in my life—”
I stop her. “Mom, you know—”
“Let me finish,” she snaps. “I don’t ask you to meet the people in my life often, but Tony has been really interested in meeting you, hecaresabout meeting you.”
I take a deep breath. Maybe I’m not giving him a chance. There could have been many people in the hospital that night, and perhaps the suspicion on the elevator was trauma from an overwhelming night. The bitterness forming weighs me down, and I’m not sure I have the mental energy to argue.
A placating smile widens my lips. “I understand. I only want what’s best for you. I’m going to run to the gas station to grab a toothbrush, need anything?”
Ironically,the only open gas station is the one that invades my nightmares. I’ve been back to that gas station on several trips that I’ve made out to my mom’s over the past months, but all those times have been during the day. Despite my attempt to maintain composure, my breath is shaky with every inhalation, and a jittery energy is throwing me off balance.
Parking right at the front door, I grab my wallet and head into the station. The cashier is watching an MMA fight on television and doesn’t even bother eyeing my entrance. I march over to the travel section and grab a 99-cent toothbrush.
Not quite ready to head home, I take the opportunity to walk up and down the short aisles until I come across the dill pickles. I snag a jar and head up to the counter. Taking my cash and offering me a goodnight, the cashier turns back around to watch.
The bell dings as I leave the store, toothbrush and jar of pickles in hand, and I pause at my car door rearranging things so I can dig my keys out.
A sharp, searing sensation erupts, with a fiery sting poking my neck. I gasp, my jar of pickles dropping onto the pavement. Juice splashes all over my leggings, and glass shattering is the only sound. A wave of dizziness washes over me overwhelming my senses. Pain drowns my body, and I stumble forward into my car door. I tremble as my vision swirls, shutting out the night stars, until I fade into the black.
“Daddy! I’m scared!” I scream, fear rising to the surface as I hang on to the branch of the tree. Tears are streaming down my face, and I lick away the salty drops when they hit my lips.
“Kate, it’s okay sweetheart. When I was five, I was nervous to get down from my tree climbs too.”
“You, you were?” I blink. My daddy is brave. I just wanted to be brave like him and show him how high I could climb. Now I’m shaking, terrified I’m going to fall. I cling to the tree branch, knuckles going white.
“Yes, sweetheart. I know it’s scary, but I’m right here,” he smiles up at me. “I’m going to stand right under you and hold out my arms. On the count of three, you’re going to let go and I’ll catch you.”
I shake my head. “No, Daddy, it’s too far. I’m never climbing again.”
My whimpers make my voice shake and I close my eyes.
“Kate.” My dad’s stern tone snaps my eyes back open, and I squint at him. “Kate. You are brave. We can’t avoid doing hard things or taking risks because we fear the outcome. I promise I will be right here to catch you.”