Page 90 of Heritage of Blood
While I’m thankful for Ilena and Nikolai being here, I’m relieved when they finally leave. The door shuts behind Nik, and it’s Kate and me. She is farther away than I want, hesitating. Black leggings hug her legs, and a large t-shirt hangs off one shoulder. Her hair is pulled back into one of those disheveled buns that looks put together, gauze covering part of her hairline. Hands play with the hem of her shirt while she chews her lips.
“How are you doing?” Her voice breaks the silence, her fumbling hands rubbing the front of her pants.
“I’ll be fine. Come here.” I push myself up, sitting up as far as I can without buckling in pain. Kate walks over and sits on the edge of the bed. I take a deep breath, smelling the sweet scent of coconut I’ve come to associate with Kate. She gently places a hand over my bandaged chest. I can’t feel it, but I feel her—her warmth and worry. I reach out and run my fingers over her cheek, pausing over her small cut. She leans into my touch and closes her eyes.
“I was so worried Luka,” she says and something in my chest tightens.
“There is nothing that would keep me from coming for you. Nothing,” I reply. Kate pulls my hand from her face, threading her fingers through mine. I never want to let go. She kisses the top of my hand releasing it in favor of Ilena’s soup.
“How about you eat some of this.” She lifts the spoon, eyes flicking to my mouth. “Here.”
She dips the spoon into the soup, which appears to be vegetable beef from the contents swirling around. Slowly she moves the spoon forward until it’s by my mouth. I open, and a smile breaks out over her face as she glides it in. The warm liquid coats my tongue, and as usual, Ilena’s cooking brings back memories of comfort and home.
Another dip into the bowl has my mind wandering to less wholesome thoughts. My tongue darts out to lick my lips and Kate’s gaze snags there. Her breath catches as she feeds me another spoonful. No one has done this for me. No one.
“When do you get to go home?” I ask. I have to distract myself with something, or else I’m going to hurt myself dragging Kate on top of me.
“Today. The doctor signed my release papers.” She dips the spoon back in the soup, but instead of giving it to me, she tastes the soup, putting her mouth right where mine had been.
Dang—why does that do something to me?
“What about you?” she asks.
“Supposed to be tomorrow or the next day, but if you’re going home, I’m coming with you.”
But she shakes her head. “No, Luka you need to stay and rest. I’m going back to the penthouse to rest too. I’ll be fine,” she says.
I take a sip of water, but it goes down wrong and I cough wincing in pain with every hack. Kate gives me a pointed look as if I’ve proved her point.
“I’ll be there when you get home.” She offers me a smile, her pointer finger coming up to smooth the space between my eyes. I grab her hand pulling her into me as best as possible and crash my mouth to hers.
* * *
Two days have passedsince Kate left and today is finally the day I get to go home. I tried to leave with Kate, but Nik managed to talk me into staying in the hospital for a day or two more.
Kate has come by each day with some food from Ilena. Apparently, she couldn’t stand me being without my traditional cuisine while in the hospital. Kate ate with me once and Nik kept me company the next day. He said we have a few things to talk about regarding the Cosa Nostra and I’m already preparing for the fallout, but today I get to go home.
I’ve changed into new sweatpants and a t-shirt when a knock comes at the door. The nurse walks in, followed by Nik. Her face is flushed, and she shoves my discharge papers into my hand then bolts back out the door.
“Nikolai,” I say. He pulls his gaze away from where the nurse disappeared.
“Yes, Boss.”
“Leave the hospital staff alone. Where is Kate?”I need her.She had mentioned the last time she was here that she was going to come with Nik to pick me up.
“Asleep,” he answers. “When I went up to the penthouse, Ilena told me to leave her alone to get some rest. She practically pushed me back down the elevator.” He grimaces before grabbing my small bag. “Let’s go, Ivan is waiting.”
We climb into the car, and when Ivan pulls out, Nik tosses a folder on my lap.
“The guys found that and a few other files in his office. Someone else knew Antonio and Senator Hope were meeting.” I flip through the file. Photo after photo of Antonio Buscetta and Senator Hope meeting, several of them with black vans and young girls being ushered around. My eyes snag on the initials of another man’s cuff links. EV. I narrow my eyes. I’ve seen those before.
“Any idea who took these?” I ask.
“No idea. For all we know Antonio paid for someone to take them as leverage on Senator Hope. Either that or he was blackmailed, and these were sent to him. The Cosa Nostra has been oddly quiet, the rumor being Salvatore Buscetta has been officially called in.”
He is Antonio’s younger brother, with only two years between the both of them. Antonio was always slated to take over, making Salvatore a mystery. I’ve only ever seen him once.