Page 128 of Wright Together
“Let’s hope she doesn’t break down with all the extra weight.”
She rolled her eyes. “Not going to happen. Where’d you get this truck anyway?”
“It happens to belong to Jensen Wright.”
“What?” She laughed. “How the hell do you have Jensen’s truck?”
“That is a long story. And has a lot to do with Colton accidentally throwing a rager, being forced to clean up the party alone.”
Her eyes widened. “Does that mean he’s not going back to New York?”
“Nope. He’s staying in Lubbock for the year.”
“So, he and Bailey will be at the same high school.”
“Who is this?” Bailey asked. “A hot guy?”
“He’s fifteen,” Eve said.
Bailey sighed. “Fine. Can’t help a girl out.”
“Let’s focus on academics, eh?” Eve said with an eye roll. “And maybe the volleyball team.”
“No way will some rando volleyball team that doesn’t know me let me try out when school has already started.”
I shrugged. “I know someone who works at the school. We’ll see what we can do.”
Bailey looked hopeful for a second, and it warmed my heart that she could still hope.
Eve dragged me in for another kiss before we split up and made the trek back up to Lubbock. It was much closer to two hours with so much stuff in the vehicles. On the way, I texted my siblings to meet me at the house. I did not want to unload all of this alone. It’d take a fourth of the time to have them all there.
So, I was happy to find West’s, Jordan’s, and Julian’s cars on the street when we pulled up to the house. I hopped out and clapped hands with West as he came out of the house. I was glad that I’d given him a key.
“You’re lucky I’m not already in California,” West said.
“He’s leaving tomorrow,” Harley whined. “I did not sign up for him ditching us all fall.”
“How’s Nora taking it?” I asked.
West grinned. “She decided to come with while she builds her celebrity wedding business.”
“I’m glad for you, man.”
“And what’s happening here?” Jordan said, shaking hands with me.
“Where do we start?” Julian asked next.
“The furniture is in Jensen’s truck. The boxes and clothes are in Eve’s SUV.”
Eve headed over to the guys with Bailey trailing uncertainly behind them. “Hey, y’all. This is my sister, Bailey.”
They all said hi and welcomed her to Lubbock. We’d all moved here ourselves in the last couple of years. We knew what it was like to be a newcomer.
Harley slid her arm through Bailey’s. “Come on. I’ll show you which room you want.”