Page 40 of Wright Together
“Did you buy it so he could take it off?” Blaire winked at me.
“I will not deign any of this with a response.”
“She’s a steel trap.” Piper sighed. “We’re never going to get anything out of you.”
Blaire pouted. “You’re no fun.”
“Y’all are being ridiculous.”
“Of course we are,” Blaire said, throwing an arm over my shoulders. “And you do look hot.”
“Super hot,” Piper agreed.
“Bangable even,” Blaire added.
I just shook my head. “You’re not going to give up, are you?”
“Can you just tell us if you’re dating?” Blaire’s eyes were wide as we all grabbed our purses and headed out to Piper’s Jeep.
She was legitimately interested. Even Piper looked like she wanted the answer.
“No,” I told them as I got into the backseat, “we’re not dating.”
“Why not?” Piper asked.
I shrugged. “I haven’t really dated since last year.”
Piper pursed her lips, looking at me in the rearview mirror. “You’re still upset about Daddy Sinclair?”
I couldn’t help but smile at their nickname for Arnold. It wasn’twrong, but it wassowrong. “I’m not still upset about him. I wasn’t even upset when it went down.” I brushed my hair off of my shoulders. “I should have known separated wasn’t divorced, but, oh, he was a good liar.”
“Bastard,” Blaire growled.
“But he did fuck up my entire life, and I’m not interested in a man doing that again.”
“But Whitt isn’t like that,” Blaire said earnestly.
Piper nodded. “He seems like a real stand-up guy.”
I almost opened my mouth to say the part that I was actually afraid of. When it inevitably went south, where would I be? Wouldn’t these wonderful girls, who I was just starting to call friends, choose a Wright over me? Didn’t everyone in this town?
Instead, I just laughed. “You’re telling me. He’s definitely too good to be true.”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” Blaire said.
I shrugged. Things that seemed too good to be true…usually were.
When I didn’t say anything, Piper forced a change in topic. The girls chatted about Blaire’s wellness speaking tour happening this fall while I sat back and got lost in their conversation.
Why did everyone have to complicate things? Whitt and I were whatever we were, and that was good enough. Safe enough.
Twenty minutes later, we pulled into the parking lot of Wright Vineyard. The lights were on inside, and I could hear music filtering through the speakers. Wright Construction had rented the place for Whitt’s promotion party. I was honestly surprised that he had let anyone throw him a party. It didn’t seem like him, but I’d agreed to come when he texted to ask. I was, after all, currently under contract with Wright Construction. I belonged, even without my friends.
Piper parked up front, and we piled out of the Jeep.
Wright Vineyard was a sprawling expanse of land on the south side of Lubbock. A large barn sat in the middle of the grape fields with an office and cellars nearby. The barn was now used for parties, weddings, and occasionally Campbell and Weston’s band, Cosmere. When Cosmere showed up though, there were thousands of girls trying their hardest to get inside the place. They’d needed security a few times just to keep people off the property. I didn’t know how Blaire and Nora dealt with having boyfriends that famous. If I were in a committed relationship, I wasn’t sure I’d be that okay with sharing.
We traipsed down the stone walkway and to the double doors. The bouncer, Max, stood guard with his beefy, tatted arms crossed in front of him. We’d hooked up briefly a few years ago. He’d been a fun fling at the time, but we were friends now. His buddy did all my tattoo work.