Page 52 of Wright Together
West smirked up at me before dropping his gaze to his food when I glared back.
“What?” she asked. “What happened? Did you humiliate yourself in front of everyone?”
“Of course not,” I said with a shake of my head. “It was fine. I just don’t love the attention.”
“For someone so driven, you should really get over that. If you’re going to rise to be CEO or whatever, you’re going to need to get used to giving speeches and the spotlight and shit.”
“Eloquent, Harley.”
West snorted. “He did fine. It was the disappearance afterward that he’s not talking about.”
“I didn’t disappear.”
Even though I had. My mind returned to that darkened cellar. The feel of Eve’s mouth around my cock. Her dazed look as I had come into her mouth. The wet drip of her pussy as I had driven into her. I cleared my throat and returned to my pad thai.
“Oh my God, is there a girl?” Harley asked, excitement in every syllable. “Are you dating someone?”
“Eve Houston,” West supplied.
“Thanks for that,” I grumbled.
“Oh, Eve is way out of your league.” Harley laughed. “How’d you land someone like that?”
“One, I take offense to that. And two, we’re not dating.”
West snorted. “You disappeared with the girl at the promotion party for, like, forty-five minutes. You couldn’t stop staring at her at that mayoral announcement thing. Not to mention, you showed up late to the soccer celebration at the pizza place.”
“Late?” Harley choked out. “You’re joking.”
“I’m not.” West shot her a look. “And they’re working together.”
Harley glanced at me with wide eyes. “Care to explain yourself, dear brother?”
“Nothing to explain,” I grunted.
“Bullshit,” West said.
Harley sat back and held her chopsticks out. “You don’t get like this unless there’s a girl.”
“I’m not like anything. We’re not dating.”
“So, just fucking?”
It was my turn to nearly choke. “You’re too young for that word.”
Harley rolled her eyes. “I’m almost twenty. I’ve had sex. Jesus.”
“Don’t need to know that,” West said, firmly in agreement with me.
“I know you’re your own woman and all that,” I told her, “but if I ever met the guy, I’d definitely beat the shit out of him.”
“Seconded,” West said.
“Y’all are gross. Your misogyny is showing,” she said, brushing at my suit coat. “Now, rein in the patriarchy for one goddamn minute and tell me how this happened with Eve.”
I let my chopsticks clatter. “I already said, we’re not dating.”
“Right, but we’ve established that neither of us believes you.”