Page 22 of Holiday's Cookies
She opens her legs and presses her fingers into her slit, moaning. “Fuck, my pussy is so wet.”
“Give me those fingers.” She pulls them out and feeds them to me. “So damn good.”
I climb in between her legs and slide into her entrance. “Time to leave another gift for both of us.” My palms flatten on the mattress, framing her face, and then I lower myself to kiss my woman. “You’re mine, Holiday. Forever.” We fuck until we can’t see straight, and I fill her up with her name falling from my lips.
“Christmas is forever going to be my favorite holiday,” she says.
I kiss her lips and whisper as we both drift off, “You’ll always be mine.”
I’m standing in front of our mini mansion and smiling. After the fire destroyed the front half, the water and cold had done damage to a majority of the back. Not many of my belongings were salvageable, but James had a wonderful idea. As a wedding present, he decided to expand this home and demolish my old one to make ours one massive house.
Now, it’s covered in Christmas lights artfully put on by a company that James hired out of New York. They came in and certified that all the work was safe and up to code, which made me feel reassured as I held my three-month-old son.
“How do you like it, sugarplum?” James asks, sliding up behind me with his arms wrapping around my waist.
“I love it, and I think he does too.”
“I bet you do, son, don’t you? You’re going to have lots of fun when we give you a little sibling to play with soon.”
“What?” I gasp, pretending we aren’t playing a dangerous game because I’m not on any birth control and I haven’t even tried to get on any.
“My sweet little wife, I’ve been trying to get you pregnant the second he came out.”
“Yes, but I have a bakery to run.”
“I’m home with the baby most of the day, remember?”
“Yes. You’re a wonderful dad.”
“We can use protection any time you want. I’ll get some today.”
“No. No. We tried, and I didn’t like it.”
“Well, then, you can talk to the doctor about getting you some sort of birth control for now.”
“Maybe one more baby before then.”
“Okay. Sounds wonderful to me. So how about we get out of the cold so you can show me how to bake some cookies and I read to you the little Christmas story I wrote for our baby boy Simon?”
“I’d love that.”
His latest novel hit all the bestsellers’ lists, and he’s been offered a movie contract on it. It’s going to be an amazing thriller. I’m sure this isn’t anything like that. He loves to make up silly little innocent tales to tell our son. I wonder if he’s going to turn them into children’s novels one day. James has an amazing mind, and I hope that any children we have inherit that gift.
An additional child turned into four more. Getting on birth control seemed to always slip our minds until it was too late and we had another baby on the way. I have all four home today.
Our oldest, Simon, is seven and enjoying the Christmas break. Nothing like hanging out with Dad while he writes his latest novel, which is due to my editor by the fifth. Thankfully, I’m almost done. With so many children and Holiday still being the queen of the town baking her heart out at Holiday’s Cookies, I’m lucky I have time, but I find my rhythm. My family gives me the peace I never had before I drove my grumpy ass into town all those years ago.
“Dad,” Colin shouts.
“Daddy,” Katie Bear squeals.
“Daddy,” Dean calls.