Page 31 of Tank
“You’re making my whole fucking brain malfunction, Soph. Pregnancy tests? Seriously? Please tell me you had a really fucking hot one-night stand with someone recently and kept it to yourself.Please.”
“I had a really fucking hot one-night stand with someone recently and kept it to myself.”
It’s not exactly a lie but her expression saysdon’t fuck with me.“Okay, fine. After our last night out, I called Tank. He came over and we got it on. Everywhere.”
Josie sighs and flings the drugstore bag in my direction. “Have you people never heard of birth control?”
“I’m on the pill,” I insist defensively. “I don’t think I’m pregnant, but something is going on, and my period app says I’m late.”
“What the fuck? Pills don’t work anymore? And condoms are completely unnecessary? I mean, all diseases have been wiped off the face of the earth, so that makes sense. And then there’s the fact that this man has been in jail for years.”
“Save the sarcasm, Josie. I’m not in the mood.”
“Yeah, well, guess what? Kids don’t give a fuck what kind of mood you’re in, not even when you’re a single mother. What the hell were you thinking, Sophie?”
I sigh because I know if the shoe was on the other foot, I’d be asking her the same questions. “Honestly, I wasn’t thinking. Tank makes me lose my mind when I’m with him. One minute we’re laughing and talking, and the next we’re naked and his big cock is pounding into me.”
Josie heads toward the kitchen, shaking her head and rolling her eyes at me. “You’re so damn lucky that I love you because seriously, I just want to shake the shit out of you right now.”
“I know, and I appreciate that you’re only yelling at me.” I decide not to tell her about the gorgeous woman at the jail visiting Tank, mostly because I haven’t told her I’ve been trying to see him since Nova gave me his real name.
“Oh, don’t think I’m done yelling at you.” She nods at the bag in my hand. “Go piss on the sticks, all of them, and then we’ll go from there.”
I nod as I walk away on shaky legs, choosing the front half-bathroom to find out the truth. With two full bottles of water in me, it takes no time at all to soak each stick and line them up on the counter. Like a firing squad.
“Knock, knock,” Josie says as she pounds on the door.
I yank it open with a frown. “I haven’t even set the timer yet.”
“Okay,” she shrugs, leaning against the door. “And then we need to talk.”
Her serious expression puts me on edge, but I tap the timer on my phone and look up at my best friend. “We are talking.”
“No, honey. We need to have a serious conversation.” She’s holding up her phone. “I went back to the messages and that night we went out was months ago, Sophie. Months!”
I nod my head, my voice catching a little. “Yeah, life’s been a whirlwind. Tank’s drama, his arrest, work going to hell, and then bam, jobless. My head’s been... elsewhere.” I try to laugh it off, but it’s a half-hearted attempt. “Big mistake, I get it. Can’t turn back time, can I?” I side-eye the pregnancy tests, those damn things, perched on the countertop like they’re crowning me queen of bad decisions.
“It’s just not like you... to be so out of control,” she says, more in surprise than judgment.
“I know, I get it,” I echo, the familiar ache of disappointment in myself flaring up. I was always the reliable one. “Maybe part of me wanted to see what being... not that... felt like.”
The timer goes off, slicing through our little bubble of denial. Josie doesn’t skip a beat, doesn’t even glance at the counter. “So, what, were you auditioning for the role of a lifetime? Single mom?”
I can’t help but roll my eyes, even though her words hit like a gut punch when I look down at the tests. Positive. A bold plus. Double lines. It’s like every synonym forpregnantis on display right there. “Shit, Josie, I can’t be... not like this, not now. I’m on the pill for crying out loud.” I feel the tears welling up, a mix of anger, fear, and about a million other things.
Her expression softens just a tad. “Expired pills or just bad luck?”
“I don’t know. I just...” I let out a defeated sigh. “I’ve got to get it confirmed by a doctor, right? This is just so messed up.”
“And the guy’s in jail,” Josie says, like she’s reminding me of an appointment I forgot, not the fact that my baby’s dad is locked up.
She’s not wrong, and it stings. “A single mom,” I mumble. It feels like admitting I’m about to climb Everest in flip-flops.
“You’re stubborn, I’ll give you that,” she says, her tone softer now. “But you know this means cutting ties with that biker crowd for good.”
“I’ve cut some ties. They shut down the clinic, didn’t they?” My mind goes to Nova and his promises. “Nova said the club would take care of me until things settle down.”
Her skepticism practically radiates off her. “Take care of you how? A few bucks here and there, or are we talkingbury you in the desertkind oftakecare of you?”