Page 35 of Tank
A few more men in orange jumpsuits emerge from the locked door on the other side of the plexiglass barrier, lighting up when they spot their waiting loved ones.
My pulse, thudding in my ears until now, kicks up a notch when I see Tank’s hulking, imposing frame fill the doorway as he steps through. His steely gaze scans the room until it lands on me. The hard edges of his face soften into a smile that makes my heart leap.
Damn. He’s still handsome as hell, seemingly bigger than when I last saw him. He’s big and beautiful, even though his face looks a little beat up.
He scans the room with those steely grey eyes until they land on me. Shock, then joy flash across his face. He strides over and says, “Sophie,” in that gravelly voice I’ve missed so much.
“Tank,” I whisper softly. “Or should I say Thomas?”
His smile blooms, and he drops down in the seat right next to me. “Call me anything you want, Soph.”
I want to smile, but I don’t. I need to know who the busty chick is. “Tell me the truth.”
He blinks in surprise, and then his brows furrow in confusion. “About what?”
“I saw her,” I explain as calmly as I can. “The gorgeous woman with the dark hair. Well-dressed and special enough thatshewas put on the visitor’s list.” My heart races, but I have to confront him with what I know before I lose my nerve.
Understanding lights up his steely gaze. “Ah, that’s just my lawyer, Noelle. She’s working night and day on my case, trying to get me outta this hellhole.”
I breathe a sigh of relief. “Your lawyer? You mean—”
He reaches for my hand. “Yes, Sophie. There’s no other woman in my life but you. You’re all I think about.”
“But that letter? You told me to go away. To get on with my life.”
“I know. I don’t want to stay away from you, Soph. I mean, I don’t know how long I’m gonna be in this place, but my lawyer, Noelle, says she has evidence that will get me out of here.”
My eyes go wide, and I smile so big it hurts. “Really? Are you sure?”
Tank snorts. “That’s what she says, but I got into a scuffle,” he points at his bruised face, “so I may be looking at charges for that, too.”
My stomach drops. “What kind of charges? Just fighting?”
“Yeah. I busted that guy up pretty good.”
“Is that why your face is all fucked up?”
He chuckles at me. “Yeah, but you should see his face.”
Tank’s thumb caresses my hand, and I know I have to get the courage to tell him about the baby, but I’m afraid of his response. “Tank. I have to tell you something.”
He frowns slightly in concern. “Sophie, if you want to tell me to go to hell, I’ll understand. I’m sure my being locked up wasn’t on your bingo card. Hell, it sure as hell wasn’t on mine.”
“No, Tank. It’s not that. I mean…I just, well shit, I’m just going to tell you.” I take a deep breath and blow it out slowly, steeling myself. Then, I meet his gaze head-on. “Tank, I’m pregnant. And I don’t ca—”
“—What? You’re pregnant?” His eyes light up like a Christmas tree and a huge smile crosses his face. “We’re havin’ a baby!” His shout of joy echoes through the room. Other inmates shout out congratulations and catcalls as Tank sweeps me up in a bear hug, my feet lifting off the floor as he swings me around.
“I’m gonna be a dad? Oh fuck! I’m gonna be a dad!”
“Settle down, Rutherford!” a guard roars from his post by the door. Tank gently sets me down, beaming with elation. Eyes shining, he takes my face in his big, rough hands.
“A kid...I can’t believe it. We’re startin’ a family, Soph,” he whispers gruffly, his eyes wet.
Happy tears fill my eyes, spilling down my cheeks. His ecstatic reaction means everything to me. I open my mouth to tell him as much when everything about his demeanor shifts.
He goes stiff, and the softness in his face hardens. “Soph, I hate to do this, but Ace just walked in. and I need to talk to him. I can only have one visitor at a time. You need to go. But, come back, baby. As soon as you can.”
I nod and wipe my nose with the back of my hand. “Okay, Tank. I will. Promise.” Then I kiss his cheek, not sure if it’s allowed. I turn away, feeling a little dejected.