Page 53 of Tank
“Ghost from BTD is still in contact with Arturo.” Ace shakes his head.
“Ghost? I thought we were done with him, especially now that Nova and Maggie have skipped town?”
“That was our hope, too,” Ace starts, scrubbing a hand over his face. “But that hot shot Maggie gave to Simone the night she left the clubhouse killed the bitch. It was ruled an overdose, and they Narcan’d her, but they couldn’t save her. Ghost is furious and vowing to end the MC. He knew Valentina’s brother hooked them up when he called out Viper.” Ace nods toward Banger. “So he’s got it out for us, and Rojas has the men and the money to make moves. Even if he is locked up.”
“It’s a good thing Nova and Maggie are safe in Texas,” I say with a bit of heat to my words. I’m hot because no one bothered to tell me any of this while I was locked up.
“It is good,” Ace growls. “Shades, get a hold of Nova and Gunnar and let them know to keep their eyes peeled for any sign of the Bloodthirsty Devils or any other gangbangers who get too close in that tiny as fuck town.”
“Opey is a small town,” Banger says with an air of authority. “But Stone says it’s on the drug corridor now and not too far from the border, so unfamiliar faces aren’t all that unusual. Maybe he should be in here for this?”
“That’s not how it works,” Dix growls, suddenly furious, and we all know why. If Arturo is out for revenge, it won’t be long before his focus falls on Dix and Valentina.
“Maybe not,” Banger agrees. “But right now, intel is the priority, right?” He looks around the table, his brows dipping into a scowl. “Right?”
“I’ll talk to him,” Ace promises. “Meanwhile, we need to solve the Rojas problem.”
“I hate to be the one to say this,” Preacher begins, “but we need to consider a permanent solution to the Rojas problem. Is that even possible with him in federal lockup?”
A hushed silence fills the room at Preacher’s words. He’s the most reluctant to end a life, and he’s never the one to suggest it.
“I agree,” I say in solidarity with my brother. “We need to end that old fuck, the sooner, the better. I’m pretty sure he’s also working with the Latin Mafia.”
“It seems likely,” Ace agrees. “If that’s the case, we need to go on lockdown immediately. Women and children stay at the club around the clock, and the prospects will watch them constantly.” The entire room erupts in groans because lockdown isn’t just a headache. It’s stressful as fuck, and too much togetherness, even for family.
Ace reads the room and says, “I know, lockdown is a bitch but it needs to be done until we put down Rojas.”
“You think his reach extends that far?” Shades flips his sunglasses on top of his head, eyes crinkling with a worried expression.
“I think a man with his means has access to the outside world. It’s a fuck of a lot more than the Latin Mafia and Bloodthirsty Devils. Who knows who else is on his payroll?”
Banger grins as an idea comes to his head. “We need to get a guard in that prison on our payroll,” he says. “Think you can get some intel so we know who’s ripe for a bribe—or a threat?”
Ace nods. “That can be arranged.”
“We need to find out,” I say. “And soon.” And I need to figure out a way to get Sophie to the clubhouse while we’re on lockdown because her safety and my baby’s safety ismypriority.
Ace nods, looking around before his eyes come to a stop on Coop. “We’re down a doctor, meaning we need someone who can stitch us up and shoot a gun. Think you can handle that?”
Coop nods, his expression serious, a look that he wears often now that his family is growing. “I got it.”
“What about Sophie?” I ask without thinking. “She has the skills to get the job done, and she’s been stitching up the MC for years, right?” I already know the answer, but I’m trying to gauge what the fuck is going on between her and my brothers.
All eyes swing to me, and suddenly, I’m wondering if I should’ve gotten more details before offering up Sophie’s medical skills. What the fuck did I just do?
“You sure she’ll do it?” Ace asks without hesitating.
“I’m sure she will. Eventually, of course. She mentioned that she stopped by for help and didn’t get it.” My gaze never wavers as I watch my Prez.
“She got the help she needed, not the intel she felt she was owed.”
For years, it’s been instilled in me to follow orders, to do as I’m told, but this time, that training fails me. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“It means I gave her the help she was promised but not the info she requested. End of story.” He stares me down, silently daring me to question him further. “Be sure,” he says like an order. “I got a call from Doherty. He had a long conversation with her about people following her and trying to run her off the road.”
“What?” I was with her for the past two days, and she hadn’t said a word. Did that mean that she doesn’t trust me? Instantly, I want to rush back to her, but right now, I can’t. “She didn’t say a fucking word.”
“I’m not surprised,” Ace offers, his voice calm and even. “She was pretty upset when she left here, and that’s when someone followed her home and sat there all night, never mind the phone calls.”