Page 99 of Overtime
Zane yanked him forwards by the jaw. “I swear to God, if you say his name, I’m going to make you regret it.”
Zane saw the instant Zammy’s eyes dilated with arousal.
It was fucking heady.
Zammy’s mouth opened, but nothing fell out.
“Yeah,” Zane growled. “I thought so.”
Zammy got that expression on his face that declared, ‘I’m about to say something snarky.’ Zane didn’t give him the opportunity, crowding him until they hit a wall.
Zammy took a sharp, audible breath. Zane wanted to rip into him, to eat him up.
He slotted a thigh between Zammy’s legs, feeling the hard line of his cock. Zane smirked, amused.
“Yeah, this getting you hot? Batting your eyelashes at Carl in front of me like a slut?” Zane demanded.
Zammy made a noise, half protest and half whine. “Maybe he can just keep my attention better than you can,” he sniped. “Maybe I just like remembering the way he—”
Zane felt something crack and burst inside him. He spun Zammy around forcefully, tossing him face-first into the wall. Zammy cried out as Zane plastered himself against him, a rough hand on his throat. “I swear to fucking God, Zam. Do not finish that sentence.”
Zammy twisted enough to meet Zane’s eyes. “Then prove to me I’m yours.”
Something feral took over Zane, a bloodthirsty animal that howled, ‘Mine.’
Zammy could barely make any noise as Zane cut off his air supply. They’d done it before, after a lot of research, and Zane was now perfectly capable of digging into the sides of Zammy’s neck to choke him instead of putting pressure on his airway.
It was a rush, seeing Zammy gape for air but unable to get any. The way his mouth opened and closed desperately, face flushing, eyes tearing up. Only when Zane could see he was at his limit did he loosen his hold slightly, letting enough oxygen trickle through to make him moan.
Zane got Zammy’s pants and underwear down to his thighs and grabbed his ass hard enough to bruise. Zammy whimpered and then choked as Zane squeezed his throat again.
“I’m gonna make you fucking…” Zane trailed off in surprise as his fingers drifted to Zammy’s crack and bumped into something.
Zane pushed off him, making Zammy scramble to brace against the wall as Zane grabbed his hips. He parted Zammy’s cheeks and gaped.
There, peeking from Zammy’s hole, was the base of a plug.
The room spun dizzyingly. Zane couldn’t catch his breath, body going hot. Experimentally, he dug his thumb against the toy, and Zammy jolted, letting out a thready moan.
“Who the fuck is this for?” Zane asked darkly. He truly didn’t know what he’d do if Zammy said the wrong answer.
“You,” Zammy croaked.
“You sure it’s for me? I could go get Carl right now and watch him fuck you. Would you like that?”
“No,” Zammy whined, sounding genuinely upset.
It was ironic that the thing that got them going the most was also what repulsed them in reality.
Sharing Zammy was something that would never happen again.
“No?” Zane pulled the plug out slowly to its widest part and popped it back in.
Zammy shuddered, breathing heavily. “It’s for you. I put it in for you. I opened myself up in our nest and thought of you.”
Zane closed his eyes, swaying with the impact of those words. They hadn’t yet dismantled the nest they’d constructed during rut. Zammy was always perfectly careful not to undo anything Zane created until he was ready. The nest always disintegrated naturally—a shirt they needed here, a towel there, a soft blanket dragged to the living room. Eventually, their bed would return to normal.
“I’m never leaving you to undo our nest alone ever again,” Zammy had promised and had kept to his word.