Page 108 of LOT 62
“Jesus, Madd. You never say shit when I want you to, but you don’t shut up when I ask you to. Just let me confess!”
I sighed, nodding.
“The point is that I love our challenges, and if you ever stop competing with me, I’ll divorce you.” His fingers played with my hair, and then they went still. “I like it when you… win.”
“Okay? What does that mean?”
He cursed himself under his breath, getting shy. “I like the fight, Maddox! But I like it when you win! I like it when you’re the one in control, okay? I knew you’d mock me for admitting that I like being submissive, so I covered your judgy eyes! I should have gagged you, too.” He scoffed. “I like it when you dominate me. There.”
That’s it? I already knew that. What was the big deal in that confession? “I know. Why are you saying this now? What are you trying—”
“I’m trying to say you’re stupid!” he seethed at me. Clearly, I hadn’t grasped that message. “I’m saying that I dropped all these hints about tying you up because I wanted you to fight me on it… and win! I wanted to be where you are! God. I hate you for making me admit this.”
My ankles kicked, my wrists twisted, and my hips bucked. A swell of power riddled me, and I needed to get the fuck out of this chair and put him in it. How had I missed that message? Jesus, I hated myself for not getting it right. “Untie me.” My cock got harder, dominance flooded my energy, my muscles all tightened, and that fine line between love and hate taunted me. “Un-fucking-tie me.Now, Devon.”
Devon sighed, and it honestly sounded tired. He kissed my jaw, then my lips, and whispered, “Untie yourself, asshole. Then come find me.”
He left.
He left me tied, bound, and fucking blindfolded. Out of spite!
Ihadnoideahow long it took me to get free of the ropes, but when I did, my wrists were chafed, my body glistened with sweat, and a murderous demon rose straight out of my soul. I thought I could read Devon like a book, but I’d misread him this time, and I craved the ability to rectify it.
With the length of rope clutched in my hand, my dick still shiny with lube, and a determination to fight Devon for the control he wanted to lose, I stormed through the cabin door. The sun had almost set, but I saw Devon in a pair of boxers, sitting on that rock wall we sat on the last time we were here. He smoked a cigarette and didn’t even look at me when I walked out.
“Took you long enough,” he scoffed. Always a dick. Loved it.
I didn’t say a thing, but I grabbed a fistful of his hair, kneed him in the hammy, and spun him the fuck around. The cigarette went flying, and his hands landed on the rock wall for support.
“Maddox,” he groaned.
Holding him in place with my body, I let go of his hair and pulled his arms behind his back. One perk of working at the docks for years was knowing how to tie knots, so I double-knotted that shit and snugged it up tight. With his wrists bound behind his back, I yanked his boxers down, bent him over, and smacked his perfect ass. Hard.
“Fuck,” he moaned.
I pushed his legs apart, smacked his ass again, and then lined up with his hole. With one more hard smack, Devon buckled forward, and I used the momentum of it to grab his hips and pull him back. Right onto my cock. I slammed inside him in one thrust, and then his knees buckled, too. A string of profanities left his lips, but his moans overpowered them.
“Stand up, Devon,” I growled at him, fucking him harder.
He tried. Shit, did he try. He forced his knees to straighten, and then he just took it. He took my brutal fuck, and he revelled in the thrill of it. I took out my failure on him, telling him how sorry I was for getting it all wrong by fucking him the way he wanted to be fucked. I might not be kinky enough to know how to hogtie him like in those pornos, but I’d learn. For now, my boy wanted to be bound and dominated, and I’d gladly follow through.
“You blindfolded me when I told you not to.” Smack. Whimper. “You told me a secret while I couldn’t see you.” Smack. Whine. “You hid your blush from me!” Crack. Cry.
“Fuck, Maddox,” he panted, barely standing. The only things keeping him upright were my cock in his ass and my hands on his hips.
It was a no-mercy fuck because he pissed me off by hiding from me. It was a no-holds-barred version of a fight because he outsmarted me and I got it wrong. I smacked his ass until it turned red, and then I smacked him again. I’d never spanked anyone in my life, but the sting in my palm made it addicting, and I wouldn’t mind adding this to the regular routine. Like, not at all.
“Madd,” he panted. “Oh, God.” He was close, that much I knew. Never again would I miss his signals.
I buried myself inside him, pushed on his lower back, and smacked him one more time.
Devon cried out, coming all over the rock wall hands-free. He cursed me, praised me, scolded me, and told me he loved me just as much as he hated me. His ass clenched around my cock and he shivered in bliss. When he started to settle, I smacked him one more time to extend all of it—the pain, the pleasure, the connection, and the new feeling—and then I stilled, spilling my load inside my soon-to-be husband.
“The next load,” I panted, “you’re swallowing.” I pulled out and turned him around.
He winced at the movement and had tears down his cheeks, but his blue eyes were bright and full of adrenaline. He spit, swallowed, licked his lips, and then nodded, still panting.
“Never hide from me again, got it?”