Page 60 of LOT 62
Wehadnoideawhat was coming.
When we got back to Garron Park, police cruisers lined the lots and the streets. We looked at each other, unsure of what to do. Did someone die? Was there an attack at the park? Was Jim back?
Devon drove slowly, gawking as much as I was. Unease sprang up in my gut, and I had a sinking suspicion we shouldn’t be here. Devon’s grip on the wheel turned white, and I knew he felt it too. If we both felt it, it was enough of an indicator that we should leave.
“What do we do, Madd?” He stopped the truck.
Lot 62 came into view, and my throat closed in. It was swarming with cops and cruisers. My first instinct was to worry about my brother, so I pulled out my phone and turned it on. It beeped and pinged immediately, a million messages coming in at once.
Dumbass Brother:Don’t come back to GP. Something isn’t right. Hide. Take Dev.
“Fuck!” I looked at Devon, panicking. “We gotta get—”
“Maddox Kane, you’re under arrest for the distribution and possession of illegal substances, weapons, and stolen cash. Use your right hand to open the passenger door and exit the vehicle with your hands up and your back to us.”
Devon stopped breathing. He looked at me, angry tears blurring with his fearful ones. “No,” he said, shaking his head. “No! No fucking way. I’m not letting this happen.”
“Devon, don’t!” I yelled at him, but he opened the door and stormed out, his hands up but his mouth open.
Every gun in the place pointed right at him, and it felt like déjà vu of the last time I almost lost him to this.
Stupidityhitmehard.It was my curse, but there was nothing I wouldn’t do for Maddox. Nothing. Especially when someone tried to take him from me.
I kept my arms up, but I looked around angrily for whoever was in charge here. “What the fuck is going on?” I demanded to know, walking slowly towards the thirty guns pointed at me.
This had my dad written all over it. He thought I was dead, killed by Davis, so this had to be his way of tidying up his loose ends. Maddox being the priority.
“Devon, fucking stop,” Maddox pleaded with me, slamming the truck door and putting his hands up. “Please don’t do this, Devon. Don’t make me watch you get hurt.”
I stopped advancing, struck by the desperation and fear in his voice. When I looked at him, I held his eyes while the cops swarmed and tackled him to the ground, slapping cuffs on his wrists.
“He didn’t do anything! Let him go,” I shouted, staying still. “What the fuck are you even talking about?” No one paid me any mind, so I rushed forward to get to Maddox. Three cops held me back, holding my wrists behind my back. “Someone tell me what is happening!”
My blood scorched my veins, my vision turned red, and my heart broke for the fate that was falling upon Maddox because of me—because of my dad. I couldn’t lose him. Wouldn’t lose him.
“Please!” I shouted, my voice cracking. “You’re making a mistake!”
Maddox, chin in the dirt, looked at me with calm eyes. “Settle down,” he warned me with an even voice. “Don’t make this worse. Just take a breath.” The cops stood him up, pulling on his wrists until he was standing between them. I blocked their path to the cruiser, not letting them take him from me.
“Why is he being arrested?” I begged.
“Devon!” Nate yelled my name, Xavi running up behind him. “What’s going on?”
I had no idea, and I’d never felt more helpless. An officer, one that I’d previously tried to reach out to for help with all of this, tried to usher me backwards, but I didn’t budge.
“Look, son. He’s being arrested with possession and the intent to distribute illegal contraband.” The cop patted my shoulder, trying to calm me down.
“What contraband?”
“He doesn’t have anything illegal!” Xavi screamed. “Madd? You okay?”
Maddox nodded, almost as if he was willing to succumb to this.