Page 67 of Knock Knock
I pulled the trigger one final time, washed a June bug carcass off the top corner before Xavi saw it, and blew on my tool, pretending to holster it.Yep. That’ll do.Already loved it here.
Xavi walked out the front door with my hat on backwards, one slide on his foot and the other in his hand as he fixed the tape. “Okay, so we live here now,” he said like he was surprised. “And we’ve fucked on the porch and the lawn, so when we christening the inside?”
Shirtless. One slide. A backwards hat. Tan lines on his hips. Purple swim shorts. Abs and a V. A gummy worm hanging out the corner of his mouth.
Holy shit, didall thatreally wanna fuck me? I swallowed desire while more pooled in my mouth. “How ‘bout now.” I dropped the hose and turned off the power washer. When I straightened, Xavi was right in my face.
“How ‘bout every fucking day for the rest of life?” He smirked, kissing me. I sank into myself, puddled in lust and love and disbelief that shit had worked out this way. I wasn’t the kind of guy who got the win very often, but if I were granted one, this would be the one I picked. Him. “But right now, I’m going to buy lube because we were irresponsible last time.” He nodded to the bottle we’d used the last time we were here. It had the cap open, and the lubricant leaked all over the deck. Oh, I’d love to power wash that away.
I was about to beg him to stay and use spit as lube, but before I could, Xavi took the hat off, placed it backwards on my head, tilted my chin up until our eyes met, and licked his lips. Straight up died and went to heaven. Or hell. Wherever the fuck he reigned, I went there as his willing servant.Thatlook.Thoseeyes. His playful dominance. It all teased me, taunting what was to come. I hadn’t seen Xavi get possessive yet, but I knew he would, and he’d be goddamn top-tier at it.
“And when I get back,” he started with a raspy, serious tone, “I want you naked with your ass on display so I can tongue fuck it.”
“Jesus, Xav.” Melted.
“I own your pleasure now, daredevil. And I know just what I want to do to your body.” When his lips pressed to mine, they teased enough to have me leaning forward for more. Xavi dragged my lip between his teeth, hummed dominantly, and stepped back. “Naked, Nate. I won’t be happy if you aren’t.” He backed down the steps, and I was still standing there staring after him when the truck left the lot and disappeared from view.
Okay, so he was way better at being demanding than he was at uttering death threats.Sheesh.
It’d take him at least an hour to get to town, buy lube, and get back, so I had plenty of time to shower. My dick was semi-hard, but I didn’t touch it. I wanted him to touch it, because now that he’d declared it, I wanted it. My pleasure belonged to him, and I knew he’d deliver.
I packed up the power washer, rolled up the hose, and went to the side of the trailer to put it all away. And watched a blue-eyed glare hit me with hostility and a bit of panic.
I made sure I didn’t get too excited.
“Snooping?” I asked the kid, hanging the hose and acting like I didn’t give a fuck that he was there.
He looked like he wanted to run, but something made him hesitate. His jeans were dirtier than mine had ever been, his face smudged with grime that clung to his sweat, and his shirt a bit ripped. Probably from hopping over a fence or tripping over more tires.
“What’s it to you?” he barked at me like he was pretending to be a pitbull but was really just a yippy yorkie.
“Can you grab that?” I nodded at the loose ring of the hose that had fallen off while I put the power washer next to the trailer. Perfect place to set up our outdoor shower. Karen could come by anytime and use it.
He hesitated again, unsure about getting close to me, but he did it. He hung the hose and then stepped back like I was going to grab him.
“We just moved here.” I talked to him without looking at him. “Grew up here, but now we’re back.” I walked to the front, hoping he’d follow.
Took him a few minutes, but he did. I sat on the front step and he lingered on the lawn like a loser. “Why?”
“Why what?”
“Why would you come back?”
So you can knock on our door.“Like it here. The people are good. Helped us out a lot growing up. My dad was an asshole, so everyone else in the park helped us get by.” I held out a cold can of pop from the cooler. When he didn’t take it, I set it on the railing and let him decide. “I’m Nate.”
He fucked with his shirt and stared at me. His anger and hesitation spoke to me, but his struggle to trust spoke the loudest. The night Karen had cooked, he wouldn’t take the plate from me, even called me a dick, but he took it from Karen, so there was that.
He took a few steps closer, thinking I wouldn’t notice, eyeing the can like he wanted it.
“You got a name or something?”
He glared, the force of it having no more impact than thunder. All boom, no bite. “Evan.” He took the can of pop and then rushed back a few steps.
“You always this sketchy, Evan?”
“You always a fag?” he bit back. “I saw you kiss that guy.”
I couldn’t be mad at him. He was a kid, raised by a man who taught him to judge and hate. He was a byproduct of his upbringing, the same way we all were. He hadn’t found his leg to stand on yet. He’d get his footing eventually, make his own observations and forge his beliefs, and he’d be better off for it.