Page 96 of Knock Knock
“Oh god,” I moaned. “Shit, Xavi… this is… I’m gonna come like this.”
“Good. We only have three more minutes.” He bottomed out inside me and held himself there. “Can you come without touching yourself?”
I nodded, pretty sure I could. My face pressed into the mattress. My breathing became shallow. Xavi started thrusting, and when he found that angle that made sparks blow up behind my closed eyes, I bit into the comforter and tightened my hands in his.
“Breed me.”
“Oh, holy fuckfuck.” Xavi roared. His hips stuttered, his fingers tightened, and his moans turned guttural and unhinged.
I lost my mind. To him. My dick twitched, pulsing with spurts as my orgasm hit hard. The feeling of him filling me,breedingme, made me delusional enough to moan out his name repeatedly, not even caring that our family could show up at any moment.
“Fuck, I love you, Nate,” he rasped, shaking. “I love you.” He freed my hands and fell on top of me.
I mumbled my affection into the blanket, just trying to catch my breath. “Primal play,” I said after a bit. “It’s a win.”
“Major win,” he agreed. “And fuck me, Nate. You figured out what breeding is. It’s going to the top of my list, right below hand-holding.” He fell to my side, and I turned to look at him. Smiling, he kissed my cheek. “You okay?”
“I’m so good right now I don’t even know what year it is.” I smiled at him. “I think we fucked up dinner.”
“We can redeem it.” He ran his palm over my hair. “Everything is so good with you. You’ve always made life more enjoyable for me, but this is next-level. I really do love ya, fake husband.”
“I really do love ya too, real boyfriend.” I leaned in to kiss him. “But your fake courtship isn’t done yet. More fake swooning, please.”
He smacked my ass. “I’m gonna smother you in swoony shit. Ain’t gonna be nothing fake about it. Come on. Those pricks will be here any second.”
When I stood, my legs wobbled, and we laughed about it, because shit, it was funny.
* * *
Despite how tiredwe were after the day of fucking, pretending we knew what we were doing while we cooked, hosting dinner, and putting up with Maddox and Devon being losers, neither of us could sleep.
“Do you think that looks like a dick?” Xavi asked, pointing to a shadow on the wall made from one of the blobs in my lava lamp.
I studied it. “Yeah. A dick with like two mini dicks coming out the side of it. But that one looks like the gap in Karen’s teeth.” I pointed to another shadow.
“Oh my god, it does!” He held my hand between our bodies. “Why aren’t you sleeping?”
“I dunno.”
“Wanna watch something on the couch and have a slumber party out there?”
I pouted aboutTeen Wolf, but nodded to agree. Hauling all our blankets and pillows into the living room, I turned off the lights, left the one above the stove on—because it was a cardinal rule to leave it on from the moment you moved in until you died—and went to close the curtains.
Stopped dead in my tracks.
“Xavi!” I whisper-hissed. “He’s out there. Evan. Evan is out there.” I crouched below the window so he wouldn’t see me.
Xavi army crawled over to the window, peeking outside. “Holy fuck. Evan’s out there! He’s out there!”
“You shh!”
“Don’t freak out!” he told me.
“I’m not freaking out.Youdon’t freak out!”
He smacked me. I smacked him. We hid like losers beneath the window. Breath held. Hearts hammering. Fingers clasped.