Page 10 of Deadly Seduction
Pippy watches from the foot of my bed in silent judgement.
“What are you staring at?” I demand. She tilts her head as if to say she knows exactly what I’m doing and doesn’t approve. I cross my arms. “I know he’s kept you alive, but still! You should be on my side, Pip.”
She rests her snout on her paws in a huff. Understandably, she’s grown attached to the Dukes. She’s not making it easy for me, and neither are they.
Why am I drawn to men who are Killers Club targets? I can’t like them when I have to kill after finding the information I need. The Dukes have stumbled into a world they don’t understand. They’re small fry compared to Alaric’s global organisation. Shooting Tweedledum has started a war they won’t be able to finish.
Pippy whimpers. I stroke her head, but she turns away.
“Come on, don’t be like that,” I say. “Everything I’m doing is for her.”
It is, isn’t it?
A smashing noise from the floor below makes me roll my eyes. With Callen around, property damage must be a regular occurrence. He’s unhinged. My pussy tingles at the memory of him fucking me from behind. Nope, I tell the cock-obsessed demon hiding in my knickers, no more pierced dicks attached to psychopaths for you.
This is a job. Nothing more.
They devoured her sob story like a tramp snaffling a poke of chips, but I don’t buy it. I can sense when I’m not being told the truth, but I’ll bite my tongue while Seb and Freddie stay oblivious to her web of lies. They’ll believe anything the princess says.
She can’t be trusted. No one can. That’s why I break the rules. I’m a Duke and follow Freddie’s orders when they suit me, but I answer to my gut first. A gut that tells me Rose Hathaway is hiding something.
Seb hasn’t moved since Freddie led Rose upstairs. The floorboards creak above our heads.
“Are you ready to share your girlfriend with someone else?” I break the silence. “It seems like they’re serious.”
Seb’s head jerks around to face me. His eyes blaze with fury. It must be hard to be second best all the time. He was second best to his brother. Second best to Freddie. Second best to me in the bedroom.
“Fuck off, Callen,” Seb snarls. He gets up and strides to the bar to swig vodka straight from the bottle. He’s only angry because I’m right. “They’ve only just met.”
“But you see it, don’t you?” I goad him. Pent-up adrenaline races through my body from the fight, and pushing Seb to breaking point is a hobby of mine. “You must have noticed how they look into each other’s eyes like lovesick teenagers. You can’t compete with that.”
Watching Freddie and Rose gaze into each other’s eyes turned my stomach. They share something deeper than what she and Seb have. Seb had to beg her to go on a date, but Freddie swooped in to steal his girl with zero effort. That’s bound to sting.
“I bet he’s fucking her right now, burying his cock deep in her tight little pussy.” I smirk. “We all know how good she feels. Can you imagine how hard she’ll come after spending years thinking about him? Maybe she was thinking about him when we were fucking her?”
Seb roars and throws the bottle against the wall. It shatters and sends glass flying everywhere. Someone’s touchy.
I shake my head. “What a waste of vodka.”
He flies at me like a rampant bull. He grabs my shirt in his fist and yanks me from the chair to pin me against the wall.
“Why are you still here, Callen?” Seb’s spit sprays my face. “You say you’re one of us, but you’re not. Not really. You don’t care.”
“I’m here because you need me,” I point out. “Have you forgotten our silent friend is still missing, or are you and Freddie too busy tripping over your boners to notice we’re one man down?”
Out of the three of us, I never thought I’d be the one bothered about Bram. I don’t even like the fucker. Seb drops his hold. I’m disappointed he didn’t throw a punch, at least.
“We have to find him,” Seb says, redirecting his anger to a worthier opponent.
“And I know where to start,” I say, straightening my shirt. “Do you think I shot the bastard just to break the rules?”
“It wouldn’t be the first time,” Seb retaliates, but I’ve got him.
“You underestimate me,” I say. “I shot him with a tracker bullet.”