Page 12 of Deadly Seduction
She sighs and changes the subject abruptly. “Do you have any spare clothes I can borrow? I need something else to wear now that I’m being kept prisoner here.”
“You’re not a prisoner.”
After discovering who we are, I expected her to be afraid, but Rose isn’t helpless. She’s strong and has been through more than most people have in their lives. I wanted to shield her from our world, but if anyone can handle it, she can.
Rose snorts. “Yeah, sure, I’m not.”
“You can leave whenever you want.”
“I could,” she counters, “but then I’d have to worry about crazy assassins coming after me because Callen shot someone. Right now, I’m trying to figure out who I should be most afraid of. You, or them.”
“We’d never hurt you,” I reassure her. “And no one else is going to hurt you either.”
“You can’t know that.”
“You’re right, I can’t,” I say, edging closer until we’re inches away from each other. I prop a finger under her chin and tip her face upwards. “But we’ll—I’ll—do anything to protect you.”
She clears her throat and steps back. “What about the clothes?” She gestures down at her gorgeous black dress that shows off her round tits and arse. “I can’t sleep in this.”
I resist the urge to say she doesn’t need to wear any clothes at all.
“I can find you something to wear,” I say. “I’ll bring—”
“I’ll pick something out myself,” she says in her usual no-bullshit tone that makes my cock harden. “Where’s your room?”
“It’s the last one down the corridor,” I say.
She barges past me, then pauses as her hand closes around the door handle. “This one?”
I nod as she charges inside and heads straight for my wardrobe. I watch her yank the door open with enough force that she could tear it from its hinges. She starts flicking through the rail.
“Here I was thinking you’d have costumes inside,” she says.
“You almost sound disappointed. We’re not supervillains,” I joke. While her back is turned, I pull at the corner of the duvet to neaten it. It’s been a long time since a woman’s been here. “You’ve been watching too many films.”
“Why don’t you enlighten me, then?” she asks. “Tell me more about what you do.”
“The less you know, the better.”
Rose turns around and crosses her arms. “Don’t you think it’s fair that I know a little more about the guys who kidnapped me?”
Her tone is jokey, but there’s something else hidden behind her words. Is she trying to mask her fear?
“We‘re not total strangers,” I say. “I didn’t tell you about the Dukes, but everything else we’ve spoken about is true.”
She returns to the wardrobe and pulls my most worn t-shirt off a hanger. “This will do.”
“I can get you more clothes tomorrow?” I offer. She doesn’t answer but wrings the fabric in her hands. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“What do you think?” she retaliates. “How would you feel if you were having a drink, pulled into a gunfight, and found out the first guy you slept with in years is part of a gang that thinks it’s okay to kill people?”
I know I should be focused on trying to reassure her, but my mind is caught up on how I’m the first guy she’s slept with in years. I like that. It makes her mine.
“I know I lied, but that’s only because I wanted to protect you.” My blonde hair flops into my eyes, and I toss it away in exasperation. “Being a Duke is dangerous. I didn’t want you to get hurt. You’re special, Rose. I… I didn’t want to scare you away.”
I close the gap between our bodies. I never thought she’d be able to visit my house, but now she’s in my room; I don’t want her to leave. The full-length mirror on the wall behind her gives me an amazing view. The way her waist tucks in, her shapely hips, and her bulging arse.
“After what Matteo and his men did, I swore to never trust a man again,” she murmurs. Her gaze drops, unable to look me in the eye, and she winces like it’s painful to even utter the words. “I was just starting to feel safe in London, and then this happens.” Her voice lowers to a whisper. “I don’t want to live in fear, Seb.”