Page 28 of Deadly Seduction
“I need to leave again. Seb and I will be gone until tomorrow morning,” Freddie says apologetically. “Will you be okay here, Rose?”
“Don’t worry,” Callen says. “She’s safe with me.”
“I don’t need a babysitter,” I grumble.
“Aw, princess.” Callen pouts. “Do you want to get rid of me?”
Yes, I do—preferably down a ten-foot-deep hole that he can’t claw his way out of.
“It’s not going to be like this forever, Rose,” Freddie says. If he were a little less worried about my safety and more concerned about solving their cases, leaving me alone would be the least of his concerns.
“Don’t expect me to cook for her,” Callen says.
“I wouldn’t eat anything that you’ve made, anyway,” I retort. Well, unless you count swallowing his cum. Callen snorts. Clearly, he’s having the same thought.
Freddie looks between us. “Are you sure you’re going to be okay?”
“Oh yeah,” I reply sarcastically, “I’ll be just fine.”
Although Callen won’t be if he keeps pushing my buttons…
Hours pass. Someone needs to give me an award for successfully ignoring Callen when he slurps endless mugs of tea like the hoover from the Teletubbies. If I cut him, he’ll bleed enough tea to fill a hundred teapots.
When my stomach stops gurgling for attention, I’ll figure out how to shake him off long enough to snoop around. It’s day two, and I still have no valuable information for the club. I make a humphing noise and head into the kitchen to search for ingredients. I’m not cooking for him. He can starve for all I care.
I stand on my tiptoes and peer inside the cupboards. Callen’s voice creeping up behind me makes me jump. “Looking for something?”
“Jesus!” I scold. “Are you trying to give me a heart attack? Do you have to follow me everywhere? What do you think I’m going to do?” I point to sugar and flour with questionable best-before dates. “Steal your baking ingredients?”
“We don’t cook,” he says.
“No shit,” I mutter. Apart from bread, chocolate spread, crisps, and biscuits, there’s no proper food at all. “What about a takeaway?”
“We don’t order takeaways,” he replies, looking at me like I’ve suggested we make a cyanide-filled cake. “We can’t have strangers knocking on our door.”
“So, what do you eat then?” I snap. Their muscles have to come from somewhere. Abs like theirs don’t just sprout out of thin air! “Other people’s misery?”
Callen laughs. “We go out.”
“Well, I’m not allowed to leave.” I cross my arms. “What do you think Freddie will say if I starve to death?”
He checks his watch. It’s only eight o’clock, but it’s already dark outside, so it seems later.
“There’s a pizza place at the end of the street,” he muses aloud. “I can call ahead to place an order.”
“Fine.” I slam the cupboard door shut. “But you better hurry, because you won’t like me when I’m hungry.”
“Is that a threat, princess?” he asks. “How badly do you want a deep-filled, stuffed crust?”
“Just call the fucking number,” I hiss. Hangry is an understatement. “Or I could take a walk to get it myself?” I play his bluff. There’s no way he’ll let me leave. “You said it’s not far…”
“Not a chance,” he says. Bingo. He’s buying it. He picks up the phone and dials, then swears down the phone. “Their phone line is down.”
“I can—”