Page 54 of Deadly Seduction
“Why are you in such a hurry, princess?”
Callen puts his clothes back on at a painfully slow speed. He’s dragging the process out on purpose, and I refuse to look at his gorgeous body out of spite. I perch on the bike, shuffling as his cum leaks out of me. Hopefully, it stains his precious Harley.
“Finally,” I grumble as he mounts the bike, and I wrap my arms around his torso begrudgingly.
“Hold on tight.”
We set off again, manoeuvring through the undergrowth. Suddenly, a howl echoes through the forest. It’s not a threatening sound, more like the desperate yelp of an animal in pain.
“Callen!” I screech.
I’m almost thrown off as he swerves to the right, turning off the dirt track without warning. He ignores me, racing through the grass towards the noise. He has a death wish.
“What are you…” My sentence trails off as we come to a stop.
Up ahead, an injured deer lies on her side, and her cries for help reverberate through my core. Her brown eyes look up at us, wide and desperate, pleading for help. Glass is wedged into her blood-stained fur.
“Get off the bike!” Callen demands, making the deer howl even louder, amplifying her terror.
I hop off, and he opens the seat. He ruffles around inside it, throwing various objects out until he finds a medical kit. He races over and kneels by the deer. She freezes in hesitation, but he strokes her head, instantly putting her at ease.
“It’ll be okay,” he murmurs. He opens the kit to retrieve gloves and waves me over. “Come here. I need you to help hold her still.”
I approach gingerly, eyeing the suspect-looking injections in his kit. “You’re not going to kill her, are you?”
He scowls. “I need to remove the foreign object and stitch her back up, but she’ll struggle. You need to hold her in place. Can you do that?”
I nod shakily, confused as to how he knows all of this. I sit down next to her and stroke her back. It’s my first time being close to a deer, and I want to help take her pain away. Callen takes tweezers from the kit. She wriggles, but I hold her in place. She’s weak after lying here and doesn’t have the energy to struggle.
Callen carefully pulls the glass from the animal’s wound, one shard at a time, with expert precision.
“I’m going to do everything I can to save you, little miss,” he tells the deer in a soft voice. The giant brash scary killer is gone. His caring manner is so shocking that it almost brings tears to my eyes. What other secrets is Callen hiding underneath his biker jacket?
She tries to kick out as Callen cleans her wounds. As well as the glass, she has nasty cuts from where it looks like she got caught in a barbed wire fence.
“Will she be okay?” I ask as Callen works his magic, stitching her wounds together in neat stitches with a steady hand.
He doesn’t answer, concentrating fully on his work and getting the desired results.
“There,” he declares, gently scratching the deer’s head as a reward. “You’ll be okay now. You better be more careful next time.”
He and the deer share a look of understanding as if she knows exactly what he’s saying. With that, he stands and offers me his hand. Still reeling from shock, I take it and let him pull me up. We stand back and watch as she rises unsteadily. She’s still weak but manages a few wobbly steps in the other direction.
“Are you sure she’ll be okay?” I ask.
The deer pauses in the clearing and looks back over her shoulder to thank him.
“Yeah,” he murmurs, looking away. “She’ll be fine.”
He stalks back to the bike.
“How did you know how to do that?” I ask. “Are you a vet or something?”
“I used to be a surgeon,” he replies, putting on his helmet to end the conversation.
My jaw drops. “A surgeon?”
Medical professionals swear to protect their patients. The only thing I imagine Callen being good for is killing them!