Page 58 of Deadly Seduction
Itry my best not to trip over my giant skirt as I climb out of the car. It’s more complicated than it looks to stay graceful in a dress that barely fits inside the footwell. Lord McGowan’s special gift weighs my clutch bag down, reminding me of what I have to do. I haven’t seen Callen since our conversation, but Tilly’s gap-toothed smile flashes through my mind. I’m not doing this for him; I’m doing this for her.
This isn’t the only high-society event I’ve attended over the years. Seb, oblivious to how this isn’t my first rodeo, is acting extra sweet to put me at ease. When I killed a mafia kingpin, I went to similar parties in Italy. This is more old-fashioned, though. Entering the British upper class is like stepping back in time. The world has moved on, but they’re still trapped in the past, desperately clinging to their relevance and accumulated family wealth.
Seb’s hand warms mine through my gloves, perfect for concealing fingerprints. Freddie knows how to accessorise with murder in mind. I tie my red hair in a graceful knot at the back of my head as I scan the crowd, pleased to be concealed under a mask, but also annoyed that it makes my job identifying people more difficult.
There’s one entrance, and the borders are under constant patrol, but a manor this size has plenty of places to hide.
An older woman in a plum ball gown sashays over to greet us. Her dyed blonde hair is a shade lighter than suits her and adds five years to her overall appearance, even though she probably thinks it makes her look more youthful.
“Sebastian!” she croons. Seb kisses her on both cheeks. She steps back to look at me and sniffs. She thinks her shit doesn’t stink. Her smile doesn’t drop, but it doesn’t meet her glacial stare. “And you must be Rose. What a pretty name.”
She says it like it’s as pretty as a steaming dump on top of a cake.
“Thank you,” I reply as Seb squeezes my hand. I shouldn’t care what she thinks, but a small part of insecurity stirs, transporting me back to the playground where I always felt like the odd one out. “You must be Seb’s mum.”
“You can call me Lady Montgomery. We’re so glad you could make it,” she lies. “Sebastian tries to avoid his family as much as possible.”
Seb sighs. “Work keeps me busy.”
“You work too hard.” She tuts. “And you’re not getting any younger.”
“I’m in my thirties,” he replies. “I’m not dead yet.”
“Just look at Ralph and how well he’s doing. You should be more like your brother.”
“Is Dad here?” Seb asks, looking around.
She sniffs. “Your father couldn’t make it this evening.”
The poor chump probably wanted to stay at home to get time away from her.
A waitress carrying a tray of champagne flutes stops to offer us a glass. I take one, resisting the urge to throw it over Seb’s mum and wipe theyou’re a disappointmentlook off her face.
“Seb’s doing a great job,” I say, stroking his arm. “Not everyone can run a successful business.”
She scowls. “Not everyone has the same standards.”
Snarky bitch. It’s no wonder Seb can’t stand being around her.
“We’re going to take a walk, and I’ll show Rose around,” Seb intervenes smoothly. “You’re always telling me I should get out more and socialise.”
“Is she always like that?” I whisper as he steers me away.
Seb snorts. “That’s her on her best behaviour.”
We make our way through the crowd into the warmth of the building. The attendees are a mix of different ages, but they have one thing in common. Nasal laughter echoes around the halls of the building like a drunk hive of bees.
As we enter, the conversation lulls. A group of jabbering women gasp at the sight of me at Seb’s side. Their faces twist, whispering behind their hands, but I can still hear their gossiping.
“Who is she?”
“Who does she think she is?”
“Ignore them,” Seb says. “They’re jealous that you have the attention of every man in the room.”
“I don’t think it’s every man’s attention they’re concerned about,” I say. If their judgemental side-eyes were bullets, I’d be dead. “They seem to have their eyes on one man in particular.”
“I don’t usually bring a date, that’s all,” Seb purrs, “and there’s no one else I’d rather have here with me than you.”