Page 64 of Deadly Seduction
“No, you brought me up to smile and wave and pretend everything is alright when the real backstabbing happens behind closed doors,” I snarl, then spot Rose on the other side of the room. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to find my date.”
I push past anyone standing in my way. When Rose spots me, she hurries over. I didn’t think she’d be a fan of PDA, but she ends up grabbing my shirt to pull me close. I’m not complaining. I know plenty of places where we could go to be alone.
“There you are.” She’s breathless. “I’ve been looking for you.”
“Where have you been?” I ask.
“I’ve been getting to know some of the guests better.” Her voice is laced with a resentment I know all too well. “You have to leave.”
“What do you mean?” I frown. “Has someone said something to upset you? If they have, I’ll deal with them.”
“This is bigger than that,” she insists firmly. “You need to go.”
“I’d love to.” I put my hands on her waist and imagine running my hands over her gorgeous naked body. “Trust me, I’d love nothing more than to tear that corset off and—”
“This is serious, Seb,” she interrupts. “Something bad is going to…”
I hear Spencer Bexley’s distinct laugh before I see him. It echoes around the room and dashes my chance of leaving early.
“Don’t worry,” I tell Rose as her voice trails off. “Everything is fine. I just need to stay a little longer for work, and then we’ll go, okay?”
Ihear it. His voice splits the air, cutting through it like a knife and stabbing my eardrums. I could pick it out in a packed football stadium. Spencer is here. Chills slither down my spine. I thought he might keep a low profile after the recent deaths, but he can’t resist a special occasion.
The last words he said come floating back to me, “If I can’t have you, no one can.”
He doesn’t control you anymore, Ive.
You’re a ruthless killer who has beheaded men for less.
Remember how far you’ve come!
It doesn’t stop him from sucking all the air out of the room like my head is trapped inside a plastic bag. A knot tightens in my chest. Being in his presence is like stumbling into a black hole. This isn’t how I imagined seeing him again. I fantasised about him being chained up in a torture chamber, laid out in the perfect position to be skinned alive, but we’re surrounded.
I can’t kill him here, no matter how much I want to. Alaric trained me to keep my guard up, ward off my emotions and think on instinct. I slip straight into work mode and put my shield up.
“I have to go to the bathroom,” I say, then dash away before Seb can say anything. Beatrice heads in his direction, taking advantage of the opening. She’ll keep him talking while I slip away, pushing away the thought that this could be the last time I see him.
I look for an escape route and head into the garden. The breeze chills my skin, and a firm hand on my shoulder makes me jump.
“We’ve been waiting for you,” Alaric says. His fingers dig into my shoulder. “Let’s take a walk.”
“I can explain—”
“Not here,” he hisses, steering me towards Stephanie, who is waiting by a bush that’s cut in the shape of a swirl but resembles a poop emoji instead. “Come on.”
I fall into step and follow them through to a quieter part of the garden, away from the hustle and bustle.
“You’ve seen him, haven’t you?” Stephanie demands. “That’s why you’re here.”
“It doesn’t change—”
“You’re compromised, Ivy,” she interrupts coldly. “We know Sebastian Montgomery is a Duke.”
“Tom ruined everything.” It’s easier for me to blame a dead guy who can’t argue than admit I spent my time getting railed by three guys. “Everything was going to plan until he showed up.”