Page 36 of Truly Mine
All eyes turn in my direction, patiently waiting for my answer.
"You didn't ask me," I hiss at Zayne.
"Is that why you're dragging your feet saying yes?"
"I can't say yes if there isn't a question, Zayne Carmichael."
"In that case…" He drops to his knees right there in the middle of the floor, one arm still loaded with shopping bags. He carefully sets them aside before reaching into his pocket to retrieve something.
Tears well in my eyes when he holds his hand out, and I spot the ring resting in his palm.
"You gave him your ring," I whisper to Gran.
"Of course I did. It's been yours since your grandpa died. I've just been waiting for you to find the man worthy of you. Now that you have, it's time for that old ring to be shining on your finger where it belongs."
I sniffle, trying—and failing—to fight tears. She's giving me her ring, and she thinks Zayne is worthy of me. Her judgment may be faulty most days, but it's impeccable today. There is no one more worthy of me. I don't think there ever will be.
This crazy man is it for me…and that's not nearly as terrifying as I let myself believe it was. For the first time, I realize it's not terrifying at all. In fact, it's the complete opposite. Nothing would make me happier than spending the rest of my life loving this crazy man.
"Yes, lamb?"
"I have to fire you as my bodyguard."
He cocks his head to the side, eyeing me curiously. "Why is that, lamb?"
"Apparently, I have a sudden opening for a fiancé. I was kind of hoping you'd want to fill that position instead."
His smile is bright enough to light up the entire room. "Oh, yeah?" He grabs my hand, slipping Gran's ring into place on my finger. "I think I can make that happen."
"Are you sure? I hear the wedding is soon."
"Real soon," he growls, rising to his feet with fire in his eyes. "As soon as humanly possible."
"Yeah? You sure you're available?" I tease. "Maybe we should check and make sure I don't need to ask your broth–"
I squeal with laughter as he scoops me up into his arms.
"Finish that sentence, and I'll be spanking you right here in front of Gran and Bets," he growls, earning cackles from both of them. His lips slant down over mine, stealing my laughter and my breath.
I cling to his broad shoulders, happy, in love…and surrounded by the best kind of crazy. The kind steeped in love and forged within the bonds of family.
"Zayne," Emma moans, rolling her hips as she drops down on my cock, taking me to the hilt. I grunt, wrapping her hair around my fist before gently using my hold on her to drag her down to my mouth.
"I told you to be quiet," I growl, biting her bottom lip. "If you wake them up before I'm finished with you, you'll pay for it later."
She moans again, louder this time. She's playing with fire, trying to get herself burned. It's her favorite pastime. If I tell her not to do something, she goes out of her way to do it. That shouldn't turn me on as much as it does, but it's been five years, and it still gets my cock hard every fucking time she does it.
She knows it, too. She shamelessly uses it to her advantage, leading me around by my cock. I love every second of it. Her brand of magic is still my favorite flavor.
Everyone in our orbit knows it. I make no secret of the fact that I'm obsessed with my wife. I'm a possessive, overprotective motherfucker when it comes to her, and I don't make apologies for it. She's the center of the world. Without her, the whole damn thing falls apart.