Page 79 of Shockproof
“Everyone knows,” she continues to ramble while offering me the object. “Likeeveryone.And everyone can’t wait to finally see it for themselves at the Christmas party! Britt thinks I’m exaggerating but like sosomany of us have just been waiting and hoping for you two tofinallyget together! It’s like everyone’s favorite hook up moment on a binge show.”
Okay…not quite sure what to make of that.
“Again,Britt thinks I’m giving it anUS Weeklyoversell, but I’m really, really,realllyyyynot.”
Rather than touch that subject, I transfer the package into my bag and ask, “Britt?”
“Brittanie.” My eyes find hers when I’m finished. “Brittanie Martindale.”
“Accounting?” Reynolds gingerly ponders.
“Field admin.”
Nodding is done in acknowledgement that I’m listening, not that I know who she’s referencing.
Unlike her I don’t have a lot of time with others unless they’re operatives or other analysists orneededfor verifying information.
Melissa reminds me of T in that aspect.
He was like this in high school.
Everyone knew who he was, and everyone wanted to be around him.
Including me.
Maybe that’s whyImiss being around Melissa.
She’s that outside connection to a world I wanna be in but am uncertain on how to.
“Blonde hair?” Reynold’s interjects again, green wording oddly wobbly. “Great rack? Shoulders like a linebacker?”
“Um…yeah?” Our order is called prompting us to move in that direction. “I mean, I guess? I never really thought about her shoulders like that.” Faint grumble noises escape him between my assistant’s sentences. “Or her chest.” She shrugs it off. “Anyway, she went a few blocks around the corner to grab our lunch since it’s her turn.” Melissa reaches for the first drink and offers it to me. “I offered to drive her over there once we were done here, but she said this way we could kill two birds with one stone. Divide and conquer.”
More unhappy rumbles leave my guard, yet I don’t bother to ask why.
I assume it has something to do with him not wanting to run into another chick he made the mistake of fucking from the office.
His reputation for that is much worse than Slater’s.
“I’m thinking about lunch, too.” My casual comment is presented in tandem to her handing Reynolds his cup. “What are you two having?”
“Thai! From Thick Thais!”
The announcement instantly darts my eyebrows down.
Twists a tight knot in the pit of my stomach.
“She’s actually theonlyperson I can ever get to have Thai with me.” Melissa steals a sip of her beverage. “And even then, we still don’t have it that often. Probably every few months or so.”
Holy shit.
My stare cuts up to Reynolds who is poorly hiding the revelation I’m now certain reached him before it did me.
But how?!
What does he know about Britt?
What does he know about all of this?!