Page 27 of A Dangerous Prize
Still, the thought of that discreet doorway concealed behind the bookcase in the library sends a little thrill through me. I can't resist going down to take a look, for old time's sake. I descend the narrow staircase carefully in my heels, trailing my fingers along the cold wall. At the bottom lies the secret I guarded most fiercely—the hidden casino.
It's a large, empty room, now. No hint of the cards and chips, barren of the green felt tables that were once scattered around. Natalie was the only agent to ever see this place, I recall with a twinge. I remember how wary she was, how she tried not to come down the stairs with me.
She must have known what I was leading her down to, of course. Interesting, then, that she hesitated between doing her duty and staying ignorant.
It was that night I realized I'd started to fall for the mysterious woman who turned out to be my undoing.
I squeeze my eyes shut, forcibly banishing thoughts of her.
The Ruby will open again on Friday. That's all I need to concentrate on right now.
* * *
I go out the side door an hour later, turning to lock it behind me, when a hand reaches out to grab me. I react on instinct, shoving back hard, and rounding on them when they stumble.
"Alessa, it's me!" comes a rushed, familiar whisper.
Elena Martinez.
I grab at her to stop her falling over. "Jesus, Elena! I could have killed you, sneaking up on me like that. What are you doing here?"
She looks rough, her lip split and left eye swollen and shadowed. She's favoring her right side too, I note, anger simmering inside me.
"I'm sorry," she sniffs, tears gathering in her eyes. "I didn't know where else to go. I couldn't wait any longer. I ran away, but Vince Ricci's men will be hunting for me."
The snake who runs the Mancini trafficking business. The same snake who waltzed into the Ruby and demanded to know the whereabouts of Sienna, the last young woman I smuggled out.
I should have killed him when I had the chance.
"It's alright, you're safe here," I soothe her, pulling her into a gentle hug. "Come inside." We go back into the Ruby and, after I've locked the door securely behind us, I pour her out a drink at the bar. "Tell me what happened."
She sinks gratefully onto a stool. "One of the other girls told Ricci I was trying to find a way out." Her breath hitches on a sob. "He had two of his guys work me over as a warning. Said next time..."
She trails off, but I can easily fill in the rest. There wouldn't be a next time. Ricci's thugs would make sure of that. As dangerous as it is to do under the nose of the FBI, we need to get her out of the city as soon as we can.
"Are you ready to leave New York, Elena? In the next few days, if I can manage it?"
She nods, her eyes terrified but resolute. "I thought about Los Angeles. But I have some distant family in Chicago..."
"Not Chicago, it's too much of a tinderbox." The stories coming out of Chicago at the moment make me almost glad the Mancinis are all I have to put up with. "But LA, Miami, Vegas, anywhere overseas—I can get you set up safely. Just say where."
Elena takes a shaky breath, wiping her eyes hard. When she meets my gaze again, there's steel within the fear. "LA. I'm ready."
"You're so brave, Elena. I promise I'll make sure you get there." I squeeze her hand, then grab my phone and walk a few feet away to call my father. It goes to his voicemail.
Dammit. I'll keep trying him, but in the meantime...
I grab my burner phone and bring up the newly-added number for Natalie Miller. My thumb hesitates a moment before dialing.
She answers on the second ring, tension evident even through the phone. "Alessa?"
Hearing my name in her voice sends an unexpected thrill through me. I force my tone to calm professionalism. "We need to move fast on Elena. She's here with me now at the Ruby. Can we meet tonight to check out the safe house?"
"What?" Shock colors her words. "You have her there right now? Is she alright?"
The concern sounds genuine. "She will be, once we get her out of this goddamn city. But she can't stay here in the Ruby long, not with the FBI sniffing around. I gave my word I'd protect her, Natalie." My voice drops, allowing the slightest vulnerability to slip through. "Please, help me keep it."
A pause, then, "What's the safe house address?"