Page 54 of A Dangerous Prize
That I'm still just a mark to her.
"I don't need a lecture on loyalty right now," I snap, as we reach my office door. "Not from you."
Hurt flashes across Juno's face before she smooths her expression. We stare at each other, the weight of our shared history hanging between us. My cousin. My rival.
And my friend.
"I can't let her take the fall for me," I say at last. "It would be…dishonorable."
That, at least, is something that Juno understands. With a sigh, she nods. "If you need anything, call me. I'll do what I can."
I nod in thanks, because I can't speak, fear forcing my heart into my throat, and Juno retreats.
Right now, only one thing matters: getting Natalie out of this. Whatever it takes.
I duck into my private office, slamming the door harder than necessary. My hands are trembling as I pull out my phone.Pleaselet Alicia Crane answer, I plead silently to whichever deity might be listening. The Congresswomanowesme after I didn't pull her membership immediately after I realized she was the one who introduced Natalie to me.
And if anyone has a hope of pulling strings to get Natalie released, it's her.
The phone rings five times before clicking over to voicemail. I resist the urge to hurl it at the wall.
"It's Alessa de Luca," I grind out after the beep. "Call me back immediately. It's an emergency."
I know she's been busy avoiding me, but this is one favor I won't let her dodge. I call again, pacing the carpet like a caged animal. Still no answer.
"God damn it, pick up!" I snarl at her voicemail. "If you want me to keep my mouth shut about your extracurricular activities, you'll return my call right away."
I end the call before I can spew more threats. Blackmail is a dangerous game to play against someone like Alicia. But if it gets her attention, I'll do what I must.
I scroll through my contacts, looking for anyone else who might be able to help. Senator Clark? He's too deep in the Sabatino Family's pocket these days. My father? No. This isn't really a problem that muscle can solve, and I'm not convinced he's all that keen on Natalie, anyway.
I thought I was so clever, surrounding myself with powerful allies I could call upon in times of need. Now they've all abandoned me.
No. Not all of them.
My thumb hovers over the nameLucia Rossi. She's not only my lawyer, she's served the Mancini Family for decades. She might at least be able to give me some advice, or pass on a contact name.
I hit dial before I can overthink it, listening to it ring with bated breath. After five agonizing seconds, Lucia's crisp voice comes on. "Alessa. To what do I owe the pleasure?"
Hearing her familiar polished tone nearly brings me to tears of relief. "Ciao, Lucia, I'm sorry to call so late but I urgently need your help," I say in a rush. "It's about Natalie Miller. I heard she's been detained by the FBI and I need to get her legal counsel immediately."
A heavy pause. "And by Natalie Miller, you are referring to the federal agent who infiltrated your circle and tried to take you down?" Lucia asks carefully.
My face flames, but this is no time for discretion. "Yes. Look, obviously things are complicated between us, but I need to get her out of this. Please tell me you can recommend a defense lawyer or someone to advocate for her release. I thought—maybe…you might do it yourself?"
Another endless pause. I clutch the phone tighter, praying Lucia will agree.
Finally she sighs. "Alessa, I do not represent federal agents. Especially not ones investigating my own clients." Her tone is incredulous.
Panic rises, sharp and acidic. "I don't have any other options," I plead. "Please, Lucia. I'll—God, I'll give you whatever you want. The Ruby! I'll sign it over to Don Mancini," I say recklessly, "if that's what it takes! Just please—please—" I choke into silence. Offering up the Ruby feels like tearing out a piece of my soul.
But for Natalie, I'll pay any price.
Silence stretches once more. I'm on the verge of full-on begging when Lucia speaks again, carefully. "I cannot represent Agent Miller directly. However, perhaps some...indirect advocacy could be arranged."