Page 12 of Spindle of Sin
Rush watched Aura as she slept. Still. Peaceful. Beautiful. He gripped the spindle, held his breath. But she didn’t stir once in the handful of minutes he stood in the shadows near her bedside. He’d lied to her about giving her privileges, being able to leave her room—he wasn’t above lying to keep her quiet. The spell was cast which meant she wouldneverwake again. A victorious smirk played on his lips.
Now he just needed to get to the cellar and—
Aura lurched up with a gasp, clutching her hand to her chest, and the blood drained from Rush’s face. She looked around the room, scowled, then glanced at her finger where he’d pricked her. Her gaze rose again, landing almost instinctually on him.
“What thefuck?” he roared.
“That should be my line,” she snarled. “What did you do to me?”
No. No, no, no!He’d worked on his revenge fortwoyearsafter his bargain with a sorceress. Meticulously planned every minute detail. Searched the twelve courts for ingredients, killing and imprisoning others in the process. And Aura was fuckingawake.
I’m going to murder the sorceress, he growled inside his head. She guaranteed it would work! He’d given her an entire mountain range in exchange for the information. And bargaining with a sorceress was no simple task.
Rush stormed from Aura’s bedroom, his vision blurred with rage, and made his way to the cellar. When he tore into the room, Astor startled behind the worktable where he was cleaning equipment.
“She fell asleep but now is awake again,” he barked.
Astor’s brows rose. “Maybe you need to put the spindle back on the wheel first?”
Chest heaving, Rush approached the wheel and slipped the spindle into place. He stepped back. Waited to see if something happened. Nothing did. He reached for the spindle again, to make certain it was secure, but his fingers hit an invisible barrier.
Rush paused and used both hands to explore the smooth surface. What seemed to be a thick protective coating encased the entire machine. Hard and cold—except for the barrier around the spindle itself which was warm. “I can’t fucking touch it.” If he couldn’t touch it, how could he try again? “Astor—”
The hawk shifter unsuccessfully attempted to touch the wood. He pursed his lips and seemed to consider for a moment. “Perhaps it’s activated now.”
“You bastards!” Aura’s faint, muffled voice echoed through the halls of the palace, originating from a level above. “Let me go!”
Rush’s hands balled into fists and he swung one at the wall. His knuckles burst open with the impact. If it had worked, she wouldn’t be screaming at his guards. Wouldn’t be roaming the halls, likely trying to escape because he hadn’t thought to lock her door.
“There’s got to be another way,” Astor said quietly. “Another object we can spell…”
“No.” It had to be the wheel—it was already linked to the spell. At leastthatpart had succeeded. “I’ll have my men track down the sorceress so I can get answers. Until then…” He wiped the blood from his knuckles onto his trousers. “Until then, I’m going to enjoy fucking with her.”
Rush paced through the dew-coated gardens. Gravel crunched beneath his boots and bugs chirped in the bushes. All was quiet, but extra guards stood at every exit. For a change, he’d left Aura’s door unlocked today, knowing she would likely try to escape again, but that was part of the entertainment.
The chase.
Letting her find a flicker of hope, only to rip it away. Just like his hope was torn from him when she didn’t fall into a permanent sleep.
He cast a glance up at her barred window. No light glowed within. She had still been asleep, making small pained sounds, when he’d exited the palace that morning. Astor had gone back to Starnight to listen for gossip about Aura being stolen away. After spending all day reading over the spell to ensure he hadn’t made mistakes, meeting with advisors, and attending to his official duties, he found himself alone with too much on his mind.
This was usually when he got a few people together for a bit of pleasure, but he wasn’t in the mood. Not tonight. Tonight, he was restless. He had Pax’s bride andstilljustice evaded him.
“Your Majesty,” a guard called, exiting the palace into the gardens. Rush made his way back toward him, eager to hear the news. “She’s awake and wandering the palace.”
Rush grinned. “Keep me informed if she tries anything. We’re enjoying our little game.”
The guard bowed and backed away from the king.
Rush looked up at the window again. Where was she now? What was she doing? The dragon quivered inside him, anxious to come out and hunt, but he had more patience than the beast.
A window slid open on the third floor and a blonde head peeked out. Rush smirked, waiting for what would happen next. He almost laughed when a line of tied sheets dropped over the sill. Two guards below moved forward with a start, but Rush held up a hand to stop them.
“Leave,” he told them quietly so his voice didn’t travel to Aura’s ears.
They disappeared into the palace, allowing Rush to watch Aura’s feet slip out of the window. He crossed his arms and tilted his chin up. Aura’s body slid outside slowly, feet planted on the exterior wall, as she held onto the sheets. With stiff movements, she walked down the bricks toward the gardens, muttering softly to herself.
Her skirts tangled around her shapely legs, making her efforts twice as difficult. It was hard to believe Pax hadn’t fucked her yet. If he were to bet, the prince would say it was Aura’s decision to wait until the wedding night. Rush’s grin grew. If hereallywanted to piss off the Prince of Starnight, Rush would fuck her while he waited to see if the spell would work. Not only that—but he would make herwantto fuck him. Make herbegfor his cock. And then he’d send the stained sheets to Pax, letting him stew and wonder if it was or wasn’t Rush who took his betrothed’s maidenhead.